I get this error after I restart computer and try to open Rhino
I tried uninstall and reinstall Rhino 8 (The latest version) for several times, and I don’t even get a chance to log into my account. I got this window pump up immediately after opening Rhino.
Then I tried log into Rhino on another machine with my account, it works.
I also tried my Laptop with the same account. It still works, so I guess it’s not an account issue?
But I couldn’t figure out what local issue I have on this specific machine (the one doesn’t work). The only thing I did on this machine is deleting the python 3.9 folder in the .rhinocode folder.
This email is bounded to a license upgraded from 7 to 8.
And I can see both seats for 7 and 8 the same time in the cloud zoo managing page.
Is that where the problem is?
But I can still log into Rhino 8 with this email on other machines
Hi -
Rhino 8 SR 1 was released a few hours ago. Is that the version you have downloaded and installed or are you running an older version?
Just in case something else was accidentally deleted - uninstalling-reinstalling typically doesn’t do much of anything. I’d try doing a “Repair” from the Windows Control Panel.
But I would copy the folders somewhere safe before deleting the contents so you can put them back if this doesn’t help. Note that the reference to Rhino 6 folders is still correct for Rhino 8 - notwithstanding R7 and R8 having their own folders, everything goes into the R6 ones.
After deleting the files try running R8 and it should go through the process of acquiring a licence.
I have the same issue, but on a virtual machine. Logged out from Rhino on my local machine already, restarted, rebooted reinstalled everything, nothing worked. Did you guys have any solution for this?
Can you explain your particular setup in detail? What error message do you get? In principle you should not have to log out to start with.
I had Rhino 7 license, which has been upgraded to 8. It is working well on the local machine but when tried to run on a VM I got exactly the same error as the OP.
I saw that regardless the device with the same account i can use Rhino even on multiple devices. The odd thing is that even when logged out it doesn’t ask me for logging in as it does on my local machine. That is what I would expect.