Upgraded from rhino 7 to 8, now my license isn't working

I bought an upgrade from rhino 7 to 8 for Mac. Opening 7 works but when I open 8 it tells me that I don’t have the licenses for it. I checked my license manager and Bothe licenses are listed. I also put the both into the zoo cloud, but that also didn’t work.
I cant set the up locally since rhino won’t even ask me to log into rhino 8, nor go into the settings. it closes right away.
hope I can quick help, ive got a project due till wnedsday and me rhino 7 is extremely slow on the new Macs.

Hi Norris,

Do you have enscape installed?

Yes, I have enscape installed. I’ll try that. Thanks a lot

It still doesn’t work, I went into the folder for Licenses and there weren’t any documents in the folder.
I deletet Rhino 7 and Enscape fully and I still doesn’t work.
Any other idea why it wouldn’t work?

I’ve fixed a few of these, the Enscape support folders need to be removed as well. Uninstall as well as delete all FOLDERS

Still no luck. And im pretty sure that I deleted everything.

I can’t find any McNeel or Rhino folders under “Application Support” neither.
I redownloaded Rhino 8 again and still no Lizenses in any of the folders nor does it give me the chance to type in any license keys.

Did you delete all the Chaos folders as well? Check the Library, Shared as well as Application Support.

If you are still not able to get properly loaded/licensed call McNeel Europe Tech support or in the US tomorrow and we can help you out.

yes deleted everything. alright ill have to call tomorrow then. thanks for the help though

You’ll want to install the teamviewer beforehand, available on the support page (screen share tool)

here are the instructions to give permissions…