I noticed distinguisisch beteween various rhino related file si snot easy because they share the same icon.
Specifically .gh and .3dmbak files in the example below:
May I suggest to create non generic icons for different filetypes?
For instance the .3dmbak I’d like to at least have a reference to it being a rhino file yet different enough to easily distinguish.
I guess they should be on your system as well of you have the v6/WIP installed… I’m not sure what governs this but it looks like it is not working everywhere.
Hi everyone, sorry for upping this thread but I’m still missing .gh, .gha and .3dmbak files icons. I think I’ve tried each and every solution I could find on the web but to no avail. Any ideas about what I could try next?
Currenty running v6, but I also have v5 installed.