Extract GH Icons (To Modify)

Hi everyone,

I would like to either find where the default gh icon files are stored in the GH install folders or figure out a way to extract specific ones as needed.

When I create user objects, clusters, scripts, etc. I like to always have a unique icon, some of these icons I create new, some I would like to be simple modifications of the existing icons for something that does a similar but different function.

I found this older forum post from @DavidRutten but only get errors with the VB script and the C# script that Andrew Heuman shared:

I also found this zip of the gh default icons from David which, I’m assuming is what I need, but they are all .xar (Xara Graphics) extensions and I can’t seem to find a way to convert these to .png, .svg, .ai or another format I can work with (without installing/purchasing Xara Graphics).

Maybe there is a git repository someone knows of? I found a link to one that claimed to have them all but it returned a 404 error.

Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance!

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Hi Michael

Check this , there is an error about GDI when saving some icons, i don’t know why

extract_icons.gh (8.7 KB)

Worked perfect, thank you so much!

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Hay does anyone know why it dosen’t work for some components. I need some icons to give to my ph scripts, but i only get about 10% of icons from here

If you replace the nicknames with a running number (0000 - 1543) you get all images.

The nicknames have duplicates and maybe some problematic characters…

smaller than symbol




I sorted the names alphabetically, added a running number and text fragment replacement for the two situations mentioned above so all duplicates have unique names.

extract_icons.gh (22.0 KB)