Note how open curves are showing through the elevation view from the doors/windows beyond.
Hidden lines are not enabled, ghost and transparency settings are not enabled.
Also if I switch the Print Dialogue to “Raster” it previews correctly and prints without the extra door/window lines showing through the building but then the line widths are messed up (despite no settings other than Raster/Vector being changed)
Hello @michaelvollrath
Couldn’t reproduce your issue , at least with simple box. but discovered that the linetype scaling can apply to the hidden lines as well where the segments won’t display properly.
While I am still having issues with lines showing through the geometry and some things not printing, the line weight issue isn’t happening in raster anymore. But also it seemed that vector isn’t showing any line weight change either now. So if I set the linea to a thicker weight they print small still.
The Line Thickness issues can be broken into 4 distinct Issues. 1- (Vector and Raster) Line Weight Scaling (This is exclusive to the newly released LineTypes) between Model Space and Layout Space. Reported Here 2- (Vector) Inconsistent Linetype Scaling between Curves and 3D Objects. lile the below
In the image below, Both Objects have the same Linetype assigned to them, the curves shows somehow properly with the correct linetype but the box does not.
3- (Raster) Inconsistent print Widths. in this case the 3D object shows double the thickness of the curves although both of the object types have the same linetype assigned to. like the image below
For Both (Vector & Raster) The issue of the newly introduced Linetypes lacks the idea of WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) I am expected to waste a lot of hours test printing things, because it is guaranteed that, My Linewidth in the Model will never translate or scale properly in the Layout and it will never print correctly in either Vector, Raster or Both. Despite my excitement for the new features and capabilities, I find it impossible to generate a printable package of my design.
Update: I just saw @stevebaer updating the YT for next up, this is great! I hope this thread can be helpful to you. consider us as a helpful resource here Print Issues.3dm (142.7 KB)
Tay: Thanks so much for your effort putting everything together. It’s one thing to spot a bug but break it down like you have… I can only imagine that it will expedite the cure.
I did this to a lesser extent in Rhino 7. I could get a decent result as long as I stuck to certain approaches and avoided other things. I was kind of hoping that R8 would be an improvement in every way imaginable. It still could be. If/when the printing issues get sorted out, the potential is through the roof.
For now I might actually revert back to R7. That will be a little hard because I’m really liking much of the new R8 features. Object, especially sub-object selection is just way way better in R8. It runs smoother too. I also finally did some okay looking renders (maybe I’m just getting better at them but R8 does seem better at it - I think they said there’s a new version of cycles?). I’ll have to see how saving my project in R7 goes… If I can model in R8 and just back-save to R7 that’s not so bad.
Thanks @tay.othman.
We appreciate the details, and especially for getting a file to test with.
There is a lot here, so I have tried to extract the bugs and confirm they are fixed or logged.
I am testing with in house daily build. So if you are not seeing a fix on your Rhino, that may be the reason why.
Hi Mary Ann,
Dumb quesiton. What is a YT? I was one of the early ones to report the line thickness problem but don’t know if a YT was formed and never really saw any updates.