Lineweight PrintDisplay changes Rhino 8 vs Rhino 7

i recently updated to R8 and to my surprise, the way printdisplay shows lineweights is very different.

As it was until now until R7, the PrintDisplay showed the set thicknesses of lines, but it didnt matter, if you were zoomed all the way in or out. For example working on a siteplan a then zooming in on some detail such as railing etc.

Now in Rhino 8 if i zoom in and out the lineweight scales too, which is really distracting, sometimes to the point, that it is unusable. When i zoom out and set the scale in the PrintDisplay so it is visible, then when I zoom in on some detail you cant see anything, because the line thickness is bigger than the detail you want to see.

I see the usefulness pf this approach in some cases, but overall now it is the reason, why I have to do any real work still in R7.

I found only one topic about this problem. Funny enough, the request there was for it to work like now in R8 and not R7.

I noticed, that there are more settings in R8 PrintDisplay command, and I have tried changing them, but they they doesnt seem to impact this particular problem. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some setting to make it work the same as in R7? Or is there some new command that works as described?



I think most of the print related issues have been addressed in the Version 8 Service Release 4 tools.
SR4 is the current Service Release Candidate.

I must have missed the 8.4 release, will try it, thanks for quick reply.

This specific topic has not been addressed in 8.4 because we haven’t had any requests for this type of functionality.

If you are trying to have different thicknesses displayed for different curves, you can adjust linetypes for different objects or layers to have different thicknesses in Rhino 8. This would show different thicknesses without printdisplay being needed at all.

If that doesn’t work for you, we could investigate adding some option in print display to not scale widths based on zoom level.

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Yes, I tried setting the lineweight as per object or layer, as I typically have. But even if I have set the lineweights, without the PrintDisplay on, everything is just default thin line. (Which is normal behavior, I think?). In this case, the linewieghts will show when i print pdf, but I need them to be visible in the model space.

Am I missing something?

As you were saying, adding a setting so it could be switched to work as in Rhino 7 would be everything that is needed, that would be great!




Rhino 8 adds several new features to Linetype objects, one of which is a Width (which can be tapered as well). This Width is different than the Print width.

If you type the Linetypes command it will bring up a new Linetype panel in Rhino 8. From there you can customize how thick the Linetypes will be in the view without using a print width. I hope this helps!

Thank you for your advice. That could kinda work, but I feel, that it would be more like a workaround, as I would have to have a separate linetype for each lineweight I need.

Please, add a setting, so we can switch the PrintDisplay to work as in Rhino7 or Rhino8. Thank you!


Hi, as a user who tries to use Rhino instead of Autocad, I would really appreciate this function too. Now, I can’t really work with line widths in model space in any other way than using different coloured layers for each of the widths which is pretty annoying. Thank you!


That would be ideal to have some sort of toggle between Rhino 8 and Rhino 7 PrintDisplay logic!


I think there are two different issues

The new display mode - where lines are displayed with their proper thickness and so they scale as one zooms in/out - would be a useful addition, however

  1. it would definitely need to respect SetLinetypeScale setting which it currently (v8.4) does not. In this way one would have a real-deal “print display” within model space. While this may fix many use cases, I still find the previous behaviour useful, ie:

  2. There still should be a way to differentiate lines by their thickness (which often equals importance) even when one zooms out as in previous versions.


  1. it would also be great if you could make line thickness preview of the now missing view mode more granular as opposed to previous versions. There was threshold (0.4 or 0.5 IIRC) to which you had to set the line weight if you wanted to see any difference within the model space with PrintDisplay on. (All line weights below that value would display the same.) On printed drawings you could of course differentiate between different thicknesses below that value.
    Observing the behaviour of line thicknesses in Rhino 8 on my high-DPI display, I now realize the line thicknesses change in whole pixel increments, with the most apparent threshold being the step from 1 to 2 pixels of thickness. Maybe Rhino 8 utilizes hi-DPI displays better and it is already capable of my wish? I cannot tell without point [2] being reimplemented.

I am very surprised that such a basic function has been removed. The reason I use Rhino is because it can do both 2D drawings and 3D design. Not being able differentiate/assign thickness of curves is a big hindrance to the 2D workflow, in architecture anyway.


That is an interesting addition, is there more to it than thickness? Can we have advanced line types eg. to draw insulation layers in architectural drawings?

Nonetheless, please don’t make this a substitution for line weights.
Consider someone using say 5 linetypes (regardles of thickness, eg. continouss, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot, dotted) and 4 thicknesses (hairline and some values for thin, normal, thick). I cannot imagine managing 20 separate linetypes is a good substitution for that.

There is also a system in place to change layer appearance in one detail (on paper layout). Would you be introducing another column to the layers panel to retain the ability to override line thickness in single detail?

As there is already a thickness settings for layers/curves, maybe (apart from making them respect SetLinetypeScale setting as I wrote above) a single variable to change relationship between printing and monitor space could help here. One value to set pixels/mm ratio?

One of the advantages of Rhino over Autocad (omitting their ridiculous subscriptions and pricing) is you do not have these layers of legacy bloat. I was already struck by the introduction of the new column to the layers panel - while I trust it is justified and I am looking forward to to trying the new section possibilities - it would be great if Rhino interface could stay as simple as possible.


I find myself still working in Rhino 7 for this reason too! I love working in 7. It works so much better than AutoCAD for so many reasons! In this specific aspect it used to be a perfect combination of what you see is what you get and workability. I usually change the background to an off white paper color and turn print display on with multiple line thicknesses. In Rhino 8 I don’t have the same precision when zooming in because the thick lines get too thick. It is really annoying. And when zooming out, everything turns in to the same line weight. I have also noticed that it is more difficult to get lines one pixel in width. Rhino 8 turn all lines into 2 pixels minimum by default. To make a workaround I had to set the line width to millimeters instead of pixels, but it seems a bit unstable. It flips back to pixels every time I enter line types properties panel. Notice in the attached images how Rhino 7 looks better when zoomed out while simultaneously beeing more workable when zoomed in. A setting to toggle between Rhino 7 and 8 print display would be awsome.


I have the same ‘thick line’ issues in V8 which were not happening in V7, I posted here about it too, in fact we have a few issues with exporting, printing and importing PDF’s which we never had in V7

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Hi @Ossian_Tove, please make sure you’re using the latest service release candidate of Rhino 8 (SR 5 is the current release with SR 6 as the current candidate). A few of the things mentioned in your comment like pixels reverting are fixed and we’re actively working to fix remaining issues.


Hello, I would like to ask, if there have been some progress regarding this issue? Or is there at least plan to have it fixed in some future servise release? I am currently running SR6. Thank you.

In SR7 “print width” is still not displayed in model space except when zoomed-in.

Hello, I just installed SR9 and this issue still havent been resolved, can you please give us some estimate when we can expect a fix?

Thank you.


Yes I have the same problem adjusting line weight should be easy but now it does not work in V8. I need to go from 2d to 3d and line weight is super important.

Hi Ben, Can you post a small example of what is not working for you? Thanks

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