Raster Print output. Lines are getting Thicker and Thicker

Hey Rhino Team,

my 3rd topic in a row and i get very frustrated with layout, print in Rhino.

I hoped i could now print with the new sections tools without “make2d” which is no option with many changed during the plaing process.
I tried it now for 3 days, i will go back into another program…

I accepted that printing Vector is only working with Wireframe which is useless for me. Or creating wrong lines. As posted here:

But now i get also problems printing raster.

My Line width is messed up. Every PDF i export in technical Display Mode gets whicker every time.

Screenshots works best at the moment…

First Print:

4 Prints later:

the monster keeps growing…

These definitely look like bugs. While screenshots and descriptions are useful for bug reporting, attaching Rhino 3DM files is priceless. Can you please attach a model that demonstrates this issue? Once we can reproduce it here, it’s likely easy to fix.

I sent a PM with the original file.

It happend in 2 different files so far.
But i dont know how to reproduce.

Thanks. I’ve logged RH-79212 Raster printing makes lines thicker and thicker

Is it solved? I cant find it in utrack anymore

There is user private information on the youtrack.

Its marked closed due to inability to reproduce, it hadn’t made it through the notification process to respond here yet.

We haven’t been able to reproduce it in 8.3 - can you please try it and see if you can?

I tried and the lines are not getting thicker anymore! Thanks!

The preview and output are still not the same but it is getting closer!
I will be so happy once the print preview shows the actual raster and vecto outcome.

Clippingplane hatches are not shown in vector output. But maybe you are already working on it.

Hi Milan -

Is this something that you see with a file that you provided earlier?

It’s on the list → RH-79736 Print: Section pattern not drawn in vector PDF

Yes pattern is not printed. And bounding line neither.
Also Line wieght is different in Preview and pdf.

Now i get a white page in raster output.

PDF_Vector.pdf (1.9 KB)
PDF_Raster.pdf (1.0 MB)
Test_Milan.3dm (137.0 KB)

Hi Milan -

If, by that, you mean the silhouette lines, I see there are missing bits in the PDF output → RH-80162 Print: Error in vector output of silhouette

There are currently no controls for this.
RH-79942 Print: Vector silhouettes - width setting
RH-79943 Annotation: Linetype: Silhouette linetype

This is what I get in the current in-house version:

Test_Milan - wd - Raster.pdf (26.5 KB)


Hey Wim,

actually i meant by bounding line the width of the boundary of section style.

It ignores thickness as long as i choose pixel.
Once i pick mm it seems to work but only in raster output

What would you suggest: whatis the best way to change width of the boundary line ?

Hey Milan -

Yes, that doesn’t seem to be working
RH-80415 Print: Scale of section boundary

I started working with printing again and yes it gets more stable but still too buggy to really use it.

Line is drawn, but it should be solid.

comparison in Raster:

Just in case i missed this one is the hatch going to be visible in vector output or only raster?

Hi Milan -

Thanks, but I can’t troubleshoot an issue from an image. Please always post a 3dm file.

It’s on the list: RH-79736 Print: Section pattern not drawn in vector PDF

Mistake is only in vector print since the release date is rhino 9, its a lot work to post all the bugs if it is not useable the next year anyway…

Hi Milan -

This got fixed in 8.6, of which a first release candidate should become available later today.

I gave vector printing another try, thanks for your work so far!

My “troublemaker file” still produces problems, every update others, here are the new ones!

Brian Gillespie has that file, i can send it again. Whoever of the teams wants it.

Raster (exspected):

Vector (Broken):

But the 2d perspectives are all correct, bravo!: