Rhino Nature Plugin - Alpha stage is completed

Well I would go with sculpting and displacements then if this is less than 1000m2.

In case of snow flying around you will be safe with RN:

Actually droplets in this case. Responsibility for this image takes @vcube during Mondays RC build test run :wink:

Just for fun, if you’ll use some creativity (in this case meshing using Cocoon) RN can help partially with various interesting effects:

@toni1 Snow on stairs, roofs can be done this way also.

@laurent_delrieu I’m already thrilled about what will happen if you’ll put your hands on this :sweat_smile:


Looks absolutely mindblowing. :raised_hands:

Any estimated date of release and pricing you can tell us?

Doliwa Workshop for NOVI Architects, House in Droszków, Poland

Some of us know you took a skiff to the house and took photos. Who knows what those Nowaygians were doing across the way.

Nice work.

This is amazing,

Does RN include the water effects as well? Or was that made with the render plugin?

RN Release Candidate is evaluated by the beta team currently so as I mentioned already somewhere we talk rather about weeks than months now. Even right now I took it for a ride with today’s V-Ray to test some Chaos Cosmos assets:

Shame that I don’t own any decent camera :sweat_smile:

In my opinion not doable without RN. One screen made during work.

Not really. RN is an ultimate object scattering solution in the Rhino environment. No, it does not include any render engine BUT it communicates (at this point in time) live with Octane and VRay allowing direct rendering of hundreds of thousands of objects keeping rhino files small and clean plus fluent viewport experience without single hang. See above ~600k of Scotts Pines provided by Maxtree to Chaos Cosmos - while single pine is (as Rhino says) There would be 3 113 456 total triangular polygons in this selection after forced triangulation.

Due to questions about pricing. Can’t tell yet exact value though I can assure it will be in range between 100 and 200 EUR. Along with this its worth to mention that licences will be perpetual node-locked.


After pretty long time I am seeing the mention of V-ray with Rhino. Otherwise Keyshot has dominated the rendering circuit wherever I have seen works made on this software.

Um… I made a poll here a year ago shame that only 54 users voted. I believe that Keyshot is a valuable piece of software when it comes to jewelry and product but I’ve never seen Keyshot handling large architectural scenes. Besides, ~95% of “applicants” to the beta team reported that they use V-Ray - I guess that means something.

Anyway if you (or anyone reading this) want your render engine to support direct rendering with RN notify the development team of your tool of choice that there is a simple API allowing tight integration with it, redirect them to me and I’m sure we’ll find a common language to make such integration happen.

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Hello World.
Were i can have this plugin.
Its urgent to get one of this.

How can i buy or have a demo to test?

No stiff date.

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Hello @D-W here some first tests for snow covering, I project a mesh with an angle, the delete all faces that are too long or/and with an angle with Z too high.
Snow on side

Snow from above

Limit for snow à 88°

Limit for snow 30°

Not sure if I stay with triangles or use quads
Best/fastest solution for smoothing, here Catmull&Clark
Use of noise to offset the mesh, so it will be less flat …


Hi @laurent_delrieu!

A very interesting approach I actually didn’t even though about not intersecting geometry. Meanwhile, I saved some time for people eventually using RN with GH (No need to dig in RN API) and introduced three primary components for ease of use - RN LiveLink + Dendro below :slight_smile:

After a few quick tests with the above setup with Dendro:

During those, I realized that merging both worlds will give a fine look and ease of use for the user - your mesh approach delivering a quick rough approximation of the base surface for distribution and Dendro on top to get the desired look of snow. I love the collective intelligence of this Discourse :heart:


I also love and tried Dendro, for this subject it is very good for fine details but too heavy for big and low detail zone. I will continue on mesh method and see if merging the best of 2 world is possible.

I need it today! :smiley:

can we test it?

Totally impressed! This looks fantastic. Thanks for your push! Could you imagine to share the definitions when proofed fine?

@petermasek @Architex I know guys you want to put your hands on it asap. Believe me, I’m doing my best, we found internally a few quirks in RC, next Monday will roll RC2 internally - which hopefully should be the last one before release. I must be 120% confident it’s rock solid before release.

@toni1 sure I will post with other stuff in the resources section of the dedicated RN Community forum.


We are confident in your work and effort.
Don`t demotivate.
We are here to help improve your software and push it to a high level.
Good Work.


This is a good approach not every developer is following! Test it as much as possible and when it’s ready, it’s ready and everybody will be happy to pay for a stable, well thought solution.

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Don’t let our rush for it rush your work, take your time, your product is already awesome. Keep up the good work, we can wait a bit more for it :smiley:

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Maxwell something did … https://nextlimitsupport.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/maxwell/pages/1222672389/Rhino+6+and+7+-+Maxwell+Extensions