Rhino Nature Plugin - Alpha stage is completed

Thanks, I’m trying to do my best :wink:

Don’t know why that would matter here - Quadro M5000m - vids were made on laptop, so don’t worry about performance as this GPU is fairly old, if that was the point of question.

There never was. I hoped to fit till the end of this year though as I mentioned current reality is a bit different than in Jan or even July so can’t promise anything here. I can only say that top priorities are stability, performance and usability without shortcuts in really demanding pipelines which are mostly covered already :wink:


Well, im overly excited about this!
Do tell if you need an extra beta tester :smiley:

Oh I just stumbled over this here and I am totally amazed! Please let this come true! This will be a real game changer!

Seems to have been a while since anyone mentioned the Mac. Would just like to give that a nudge and mention that it would be great to get it working. Appreciate that there are issues around rendering as cycles isn’t supporting it yet and the lack of good rendering plugins on the Mac. Hopefully these things will change in time.



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@robinp @Philip this will happen at some point in time but the current focus is to deliver Win version. I had this in mind so don’t worry, just be patient.

That’s the plan :slight_smile:

It’s been a while without an update so currently RN builtin library is gaining finishing touches, so small tease as always - Fagus Sylvatica variations from the library.


looks great! It will be awesome.

Everything to do with Rhino on the Mac requires patience. We are well practiced! Appreciate that this is more of a commitment to it coming to Mac than you’ve given before (from what I have seen anyway). Thanks for the update.

Is it still possible to join the beta test version of Rhino nature ?

Thank you for your interest. I’ve sent PM though it’s a bit late to party here.

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would love to give it a spin too!

Have to admit that I’m a bit envious and jealous atm.
But I guess I’ll have to sit tight for the remaining painful wait :sweat_smile:

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Great things always take more time and deserve.
Keep wait. :watch::watch:

@D-W :100: doing his best. :100:

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Hi, may I know if there is any trial version that we cant try out ? thanks!

There is no trial yet available. Guys I know it was a while already but this project had ups and downs during the journey but believe me:

As the release is really close now I can leave here RN hero image which will promote it. Hope you’ll like it:

For curious guys small tease how it looks on the flip side:


Any guesstimate on license price yet?
I’m trying to warm my employer up for this :wink:

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Oh my god! This will a real game changer! I did not know until now that this is what I have been waiting for since years! Totally excited, I’ll be one of the first to buy a license. Please let us know the ETA so we can mentally prepare…

You might want to have a look at my work to understand why I’m so excited: www.sonaar.at
And one more thing: will snow also be part of RN?

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I imagine a way to use RN somehow though it would have to be supplied with some metaball/marching cubes algorithm in GH for eg. snow laying on tree branches - all other cases it would be better rather use some sculpting techniques - if you need huge terrains better check Gaea.

Eventually if you had in mind falling snow then yes RN will deal with it in no time.


Ok, thanks for the hint. My question mainly referred to snow lying around.