Rhino inside Revit Vray conflict

I get the deadly error
got it fixed after uninstalling Vray for Rhino but I have no idea where to copy the dlls (Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll; Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll ; Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ShellExtensions.dll) as mentioned in this workaround

Rhino.Inside Revit: 0.7.7815.25113 (25.5.2021 г. 13:57:06)
Rhino: 7.6.21127.19001 (Rhino 7)
Revit: 2021.2 (
CLR: 4.0.30319.42000 (4.8.4300.0)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18363.0

V-Ray for Revit 5.10.07 - May 20 2021

This was a workaround for the addins mentioned in the article. Would you mind checking the vray for Revit installation folder and see if any of those dlls are shipped with it?

I searched for those dlls but cannot find them…
Futhermore, the problem occured after installing the latest version of RhinoInsideRevit. Vray and RIR were working together in the previous version… something happened in the last 45 days…

It’s hard to warrant that changes made on the last 45 days are or are not affecting here. But on the list of changes there is no one related to this directly.

Since there are other users that are reporting this issue after installing VRAY on both softwares Rhino and Revit, we will contact VRAY team to figure out what happens here and see what we need to address.

Thanks for reporting.

See this please Rhino.Inside Not loading with VRay for Revit - #3 by eirannejad