I have a Rhino file with an imported Autocad drawing which I have put on a layer. This drawing is quite “heavy”, it has a lot of information since it is an urban drawing of a city, with building plans, roads and so on.
As I turn off the Autocad layer, everything looks fine but when I turn it on, some of my 3D volumes (on an other dedicated layer) start flickering, like volumes seem to be out of their “box” or I can see the inside of the volume while I am in Shaded mode …
By the sounds of it it might have to do with your model being far away from the origin. Does it look any better if you move everything to w0 and refresh the display meshes? (ClearAllMeshes)
Okay, I post here part of the Rhino file !
The problems seems to appear only at the posts of the grey building near the bridge (the model is not clean or fancy at all, it is just a study model).
(The flickering surfaces you see are the Autocad hatches that I have not deleted before importing the file)Untitled.3dm (6.2 MB)
These posts are the only element that cause this kind of flickering problem …
I don’t know why it is related to the turning on and off of the Autocad layer … That’s not a big problem, just a bit annoying as it does not look clean …
I don’t mean to extrude curves that are at different elevations but I would like to extrude several curves that are actually at the same elevation but I’d like them to have different to have different heights, like volumes of different size. Is it possible to do it without Grasshopper ?