Rhino English Latest Download [BUGGED]

McNeel team,

I recently performed a clean install of Rhino and noticed that my Libraries folder is missing, I have no Localization folder in app data and also there are no templates presented to choose from when I first open Rhino.

The latest build found here causes the issue:

I been searching and this seems to have happened before.


Incomplete Rhino 5 install without the language pack

Are you missing templates, toolbars, or plug-ins? This is a symptom that the language pack was not installed. This can be an incomplete or botched installation if you are installing from the downloaded installer. Or it can be an error in the install script if you are installing from an MSI script.

Can you confirm and fix asap?

Hello - can you try running ToolbarReset and then restart Rhino - does that clear any cobwebs?


Hi @pascal, no use with ToolbarReset I’m afraid.

To clarify even more my OP.
This is the default location for library folder: C:\Users\Shynn\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Localization\en-US\Render Content

I go here and I have no Localization folder.


And this is how my Rhino looks when I open it:

And this is a clean install btw. Pretty frustrating to have problems right off a clean install.

Hello - indeed, that is frustrating - we’ll get it sorted… I’ve asked the bigger brains, but in the meantime, you might try a Repair on the installation followed by a re-boot.


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Hey ShynnSup,

If ToolbarReset doesn’t work, there may be broader problems here. Some things to try:

  1. Delete the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0 and everything below it
  2. Restart Rhino

If that doesn’t work by itself, repair the Rhino 6 install, and do the above again.

There’s a little setting in the registry that tells Rhino that it has already extracted all the localization materials, and not to do it again. Deleting the registry key above will delete that setting, and will make it so Rhino shows the “Installing… Please wait…” message on startup. When you see that message in the upper left corner of your screen, you know you’ve done something to restore these parts of Rhino.


Beautiful. Thank you guys, that simply registry trick did it. Any ideas what might have caused my install to fail like this?

This is how my libraries tab looks now. Is it ok? The last two items called my attention for not being in any folder.


thank you so much, for a long time i couldn’t find the real solution. Appreciate that :slight_smile: