Rhino: developing too slowly

Aww, with your greatly improved time usage, perhaps you could give my Raytraced view port mode some test runs again, see if it does a better job these days? Pretty please? :slight_smile:


p.s. bug reporting very much appreciated should you find manifestations of my shortcomings through the codeā€¦

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Ha! I will as soon as GhShaderNodes work again :slight_smile:

Tss, is it not enough it works on my machine? :wink: I do hope next week we get a new public WIP release. I can build a new version against that then.

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Yes I was hoping to try it last Wednesday but no new build yet :frowning:

Unfortunately this weeksā€™ WIP got cancelled because of some file IO related issues. Weā€™d rather not have people lose too much of their precious work (:

And how to not agree on developing Rhino too slowly :joy:

I asked thousands of times for direct modeling tools.
Probably at McNeel they donā€™t know from where to start. Thatā€™s why I use SpaceClaim + Rhinoceros.
Using two programs is not a good idea, saving, importing, exporting back and forth and you always loose some precision.
I could not live without Spaceclaim but I use only the 10% of this software to repair geometries.
I hope that McNeel soon or later will develop its own direct modeling libraries.


I think you are asking the impossible.
Already so difficult to solve a case of filletting, thinks having to realize direct modeling!
The Rhino kernel is not very sophisticated, and certain operations become very difficult to manage. Rhino, version after version, improves in small steps, but to have certain tools will have to spend many, many years ā€¦ and meanwhile Iā€™ll be dead! :wink:

Development is always too slow, so that is nothing new. I think McNeel is a example of a really great software company. I also use 3DsMax and though they have the resources they do not implement a useful nurbs modeler, the knowledge is available in Maya, but they let you float for over 20 years now. Max2017 was not production ready the first 2 month, it simple crashed. But looking at the costs: they have raised it from 500 euros to 2400 euros a year. Brilliant work I would say. Although I have a extensive knowledge of scripting in Max, Iā€™m leaving this software. I 'll tell you why.

Here in the Netherlands our market is simply too small to specialize on character rigging or other 3D specialties and work full-time as a specialist. You have to develop more skills to survive here. There is no chance that students will pickup this kind of severe licensing costs. They will loose these smaller markets in the long run.
There is also the argument of ending your career, I mean the moment that you stop working retiring, that will also be the moment that you simply cannot afford to keep paying for all your licenses. That will be the moment that you can no longer access your own work, nor can you teach newcomers in the field some of your tricks or handover some of your experience. You only can rename or delete your files, absolutely pointless.
So a Rhino-takeover from Autodesk will be a an absolutely showstopper for me. What they can do is to implement Bongo into Rhino to fill the animation gap. It would also be great to have the timeslider available in grasshopper, which I really love. By the way I have never missed subD.


Yes! Bongo is still very difficult to use. If McNeel replaces NURBS with better geometric modeling kernel, all polysurfaces can be replaced with surfaces. Polysurfaces are almost rigid because their seams are difficult to edit. Surfaces, on the other hand, can be very flexible. If McNeel combines surfaces with skeletal animation, Rhino can animate dinosaurs and other animals.

ā€œRhino can animate rhinos and other animalsā€


Can be so Andrew, the main point here is that the market is on the move due to the changed licensing structure of Autodesk. So a lot of other Max users might consider alternatives. As a Max user all I can do is to point that out here.
I will move!

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use Rhino for Macā€¦
weā€™re always getting sweet little updates/features.


There must be some development for sub d modeling tools ASAP. Ā”PLEASE!

Perhaps Rhino 6 is not an interesting buy for everybody. For me the improvements in the previews, make2d, layouts, grasshopper, and high-res monitor support are more than worth the approximately 300 euro per year for the investment in a new licence, let alone the 100 euro per year that an upgrade would cost with the current development speed, and the service upgrades that are provided for free.

You focus on a limited set of tools that you find interesting and you marginalize the rest of the market that uses Rhino on a daily basis: The shipbuilding industry, industrial design, CAM/Digital fabrication people, architects, shoe designers, structural engineers, urban designers, graphic designers, software developers, jewlery designers, fashion designers, that might not share the specific set of tools that you require today.


wouldnā€™t it make sense to implement bongo into grasshopper?

yes - i also miss animations. but not for making movies, more for simple things like explosion graphics. in solidworks stuff like that is generated automatically.

making these in rhino needs many steps and involves exporting and other programs like illustrator. itā€™s really time consuming. when you see how quickly this is done in solidworks you get really frustrated.
especially when you change stuff - no problem in solidworks but in rhino you have to do most of the work again.

another point. i really loved penguin, but to me it seems superfluous by now. you can get very similar results, just by editing existing or creating new display modes. but the best way would be to introduce toon materials to cycles. vray has it (or had it when i tried it a while back). with silhouette multiplier an all the nice features you know from penguin. i donā€™t see the need for another stand alone renderer.

maybe this stuff would better belong to the ā€œrhino6 whishlistā€

Yes! Thatā€™s a very good idea.

The UI of Grasshopper would lend itself very well to Bongo, especially keeping track of geometry etc.

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I think Rhino start to be very popular and extend to another field when architects start to use it and grasshopper. Thatā€™s the turning point.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

Another problem: every version of Rhino almost everything is rewritten, there are no fixed points. A bug is resolved, another 20 new ones are born! Always the same bug: the Boolean, the fillet, of even simple tools, a line, a point ā€¦ (I think this is so for each software). Indeed, some complain that there are bugs or limitations that drag the earliest versions of Rhino, never resolved ā€¦ (rumors).
For example, you work on Boolean tools: How many developers are committed to their realization? two? Logical would not be enough for this to work that even five years!
Rhino hurry up! Time is money and you can not consider yourself as a niche software! Only little cost content is in your favor!

Iā€™m afraid that V6 will be the greatest disappointment ever.

Letā€™s imagine theyā€™re implement about 5-10 new tools and fix about 20-30 bugs for new release each one or two year. People can start use it now already. Next two year another improvements and implementation of some new tools. And another happy customers.

But for now weā€™ll have to wait for 5! F*king years to see what?.. Hey, people who used to try WIP-version, have you see any revolutionary changes there? When I try it about 6 month ago, there was NOTING worth for 5 years of waiting. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Just another release which can be done 3 years ago. Some little improvements here and there. Just what the other companies do in a one year circle of development. Thatā€™s why when it will be ready (about after 10 years since V5) and you will see it, you will curse McNeel for nothing worth this years of waiting.

As I can see now, itā€™s too long, too boring, too ordinary and to worthless for waiting of 5 years. They should stop already and finally release this V6 to continue work for V7. Itā€™s my opinion.

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