I recreated this to put in an image for an Easter-egg in another image. This version was made in Rhino and Cycles. In the Wikipedia version, the light source color is roughly incandescent, so, I warmed it up a bit. It could have been even warmer. Cycles has 12,000 passes, no smoothing, no contrast enhancements.
It was rendered on an aging GTX 1080, attached to a Ryzen 3900x, with 32GB RAM.
It was rendered at 3840x2160 and then cropped a bit. No color correction. The light could have been a little more incandescent in color temperature, but we are using a lot of warm LEDs these days.
I find that with no smoothing/denoise, 12,000 passes is pretty smooth with Cycles.
Cycles did pretty good. I don’t notice any flyers/sparklies in the original. Kudos!