I recently had rendered some interior scenes with Raytraced mode in Rhino 6, most of the samples are 1000-2000, the rendering time of the white model is about 3-10 minutes, and other scenes with materials is about 6-20 minutes,
@jessesn - awesome as usual!
– Dale
What is your hardware configuration? And is it using Rhino cycle?
My graphic card is GTX 1080. Yes, I use the Raytraced display mode (RhinoCycles) to render all photos.
What’s the cpu and memory config of your system…the gtx 1080 sounds perfect for cycles. cheers, Rob
@jessesn Very nice work; well done. Thank you for sharing.
The cpu is i7-6800K @3.4GHz and 32G RAM.
Thanks, Jessen;
your rendering look quite spectacular and real. I’m very pleased to see that Cycles works so well in V6. I am going to upgrade to V6 when I’m totally satisfied that it is as stable in all regards as I need. I can’t imaging my work needing grasshopper, but it’s fun to get distracted with it. As far as cycles goes, I’ll have to upgrade my gpu from an ancient AMD W700 to something new. My system I built from parts about four years ago and includes an Iy 3930K which I have cooled on water with two radiators as I use Flamingo as my renderer for now. More cores the better when it comes to Flamingo! I’ve also looked at the new Netstor NP631n SATA3 to Mve drive converter so that I can used a fast SSD like a Samsung Pro series. Not sure yet that I can boot from that drive, but am working on researching the issue. I could go one, but it gets boring. All the best, Rob
Wait, is that an orange moose head? Don’ show that to my niece in Montana!
Cycles also supports the CPU to render, so you can try it before you buy the new graphic card.
Here is the sample file about my first testing picture, I have successfully tested it on my old desktop with a CPU i7 720. Any question about it pls le me know .
Yes it is. In fact I have hosted an online course about RhinoCycle rendering for interior last Friday, and I have released it on the Tencent online class of Rhino, it is a free course. I have introduced the workflow about how use the Raytraced display mode for rendering, and how to apply the materials and textures to the objects, but all content about this course is explained in Mandarin, I think it is not easy to understand it for you , anyway you can still watch this video from here, enjoy it!
Can it all be done in Rhino? It looks cool!
Yes, all done in Rhino, and here is a video tutorial about the first testing picture, but it is chinese.
It’s beautiful. Excellent work. Regarding Cycles, all i can say is that after several testing with Cycles, seems to me kind of slow. I’m not entirely positively impressed with all those GPU or hybrid GPU CPU renderers for now.
It may be because Nvidia hardware is still strategically “better supported” and i dont own neither desidere to own Nvidia products. But I always end finding Vray to be faster in returning a certain quality in render. Almost in any kind of scenarios.
I also tried Thea render and others… i believe GPU or Hybrid renders gives the impression to be faster 'cause you have an almost immediate visible result, but when comes to reach a certain quality (level of noise etc)… I believe it is most of the times reached first by pure CPU renderers after all. Or at least that’s my humble impression based on what I’ve seen until now.
Hi @jessesn,
This looks great. Are you using mesh objects or surfaces? I never work with mesh and I wonder how does it affect the quality (antialiasing) and the render time?
I am just starting to understand rendering so I really don’t know the reason why people use mesh.
Could you maybe add the video on youtube or something
This is one of these languages I don’t understand ;p
when you look at your NURBS surfaces, you in fact actually see a mesh. NURBS surfaces are unfortunately not being represented on the screen directly, meaning any rendering will be a mesh only.
I know there’s a mesh used for representation on screen, but is this the same mesh used in objects of type mesh? That I do not know.
I thought people use mesh just because they can apply materials and decals without problems that would otherwise have at the edge between surfaces? That the UV is uniform in mesh or I don’t really know haven’t gotten to that point yet.
i knew that you would answer that, but there is really not more to it. the mesh you render (either render mesh or an actual mesh) can of course be the exact same depending on your render mesh settings and on which settings you used to mesh. there is no difference or (dis)advantage for texturing and rendering
Hmm, I’m not so sure about this, since if you use two nurbs surfaces with a G0 edge, and try to apply texture there will be anomalies.
While if you do the same form with a single mesh you will not have anomalies.
(not tried it just read about it)
if you are talking about a polysurface i hardly can believe that would make any difference. can you post the source of your reference? the only thing i could imagine that both would have a different setting for the vertex shading (phong) which’ angle could be set individually, that i am not fully sure how that works in rhino to be honest.