Rhino 8 upgrade from 7 not working (license not found, will now exit)

hi i just bought the upgrade for rhino 7 to rhino 8 got my licence in my mail uploded into the cloud zoo and i can see both my 7 and 8 licenses listed. i tried everything deleting rhino7 deleting rhino 8 downloading again, no mater what i do when i try to open rhino 8 it automaticly says license not fout will exit now without even askiung me for log in info. o can still use my rhino 7 but it asks me, there is a newer version of rhino would u like to use that and when i say yas the same thing happens. Does anybody else have the same problem, do i need to contact tech suport? thank you

Hello I have the same problem bob mcneel please help us

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Hello I have the problem can you please help?

Hello all,
Please contact your regional McNeel office directly (or your local reseller if you bought the upgrade there).

i have the same problem, did you get it fixed? if so, how?
got a project due Wednesday and rhino 7 doesn’t work good on the new Macs.

Hi Norris, i originaly had the problem now its fixed. I suggest you to contact tech support of rhino thats how i got it fixed they give you directions on what to do if nothing works at the end they arange a zoom meeting where they take control of your computer, thats how mine got fixed with the help of Brian Gillespie he was verry helpful. You can start by contacting them through this e mail.


Getting Brian involved is generally a last resort. This is most likely a folder permission issue.

If you have enscape installed see this page-
