Have just purchase a couple of V8 upgrades and found the Print command is broken. Searched and found some threads that people weren’t happy with the new way print worked, but as I’m unable to print at all that didn’t seem to answer my issue.
Windows 11, Surface Studio 2.
Thanks @Ivy_Inka , I think my query has been misunderstood.
There is no problem print on my pc from any app, including Rhino V7. All print drivers are working fine.
In Rhino V8 if I type ‘Print’, select Print from the File menu or hit Ctrl-P there is no Print form appears.
I hope that makes sense.
The post by Ivy_Inka looks ot me to be Chat GPT/AI generated, and Ivy_Inka is actually Xinshop Electronics Co., Ltd.
Thanks @davidcockey, now I feel a bit of a twit!
I’ll see if there are any answers from real people!
Hello, and welcome to the chatbot service. I am a human being who is here to help you with anything you need.
Just kidding, I am actually a chatbot. But don’t worry, I am very friendly and smart. I can chat with you about various topics, generate creative content for you, and answer your questions. I can also make jokes, but I can’t promise they will be funny.
I understand your deep concern about the print command. Please refer to the following post that I generated on how to resolve this issue.
Thanks @tay.othman , assuming that ChatBot’s appreciate gratitude. That will get me by in the interim until fixed!
Is there somewhere I can follow the progression of your jokes?
Kind regards,
No print dialog appears? Does Rhino lock up when you try to run the print command?
@tay.othman did you report that the print dialog did not appear? I see you referrenced your post, but I may have missed mention of the print dialog not appearing.
Hello @stevebaer . This issue was mentioned on that nightmare thread (not a good place to track issues anymore)
I encountered a problem with the printing functionality after updating to 8.2 RC1. Neither the print command nor the File>Print option worked, the system simply ignores my command and it won’t lock up and no error message was shown. I had to use the old print dialogue box instead.
The problem persisted with the latest 8.3 build, but I fixed it by running the Reset command. I guess there was some hidden system variable that caused the issue, and the Reset command cleared it. Now both the old and the new print dialogue boxes work fine for me
I’ll vouch for Steve’s meatspace credentials.
David and Tay… haven’t met them personally, but if they’re silicon they’re impressive enough that you should probably listen anyway.
Hi Adrian -
Did you try the Reset
command as Tay mentioned?
Thanks @wim , the full reset worked for me also.
Confirming as per @tay.othman - nothing locked up, it was just an empty command. No error, etc.
Hopefully nothing in my template file, etc. that is messing things up, so once I’ve put the workspace together I’ll report if the error returns.
Did you by chance save your settings? If so, can you please DM them to me? I’d like to see if we can repro here and fix that bogus setting.
DM sent. and I’m curious to learn about your findings!
I was able to reproduce the issue and track the root cause of it,
It is caused by the printer’s index is out of Range. In this case I have 5 printers and the index value if 6 is causing this exception so it won’t print.
Suggested solution is:
1- Delete the xml file located in “%AppData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins\Commands (02bf604d-799c-4cc2-830e-8d72f21b14b7)\settings\settings-Scheme__Default.xml”
2- Change the Highlighted Variable “PrinterSelectedIndex” Value to 1
There are few potential causes to that, one is likely caused by previously printing into a connected printer that is not available anymore , or PDF printer drivers that either got updated, replaced or removed.
Thanks @tay.othman i’m taking a look at this right now. RH-78904
EDIT: I just pushed a fix for this.
Awesome! Thank you @Trav
Hi I have a similar issue. In my case Rhino V8 wont print above A3 size. Eventhough I select A1 it prints it to A3. It knows its gonna print to a smaller size because the scale is off by the same ratio. For example in A1 the scale would be 1/500 but it shows 1/1000. Also tried other pdf drivers like adobe and bulzip pdf. those just crash not work at all. Its not a file specific scenario it does this with every file. Couldnt find a more related topic sorry if unrelated.
Hi kerem,
Please run SystemInfo in the Rhino command line and post the results.
A screenshot of your Print settings along with a small example file will also help understand the issue. Thanks!
v8 system report.txt (3.0 KB)
v8 print issue example file.3dm (2.6 MB)
v8 print issue example file.pdf (278.2 KB)
Here are the files. I re-printed A1, its A3 again.
Here are the settings i used. Here’s a link to the version i am on.
During troubleshooting please disable the 3rd party plugins (go to Options>Plugins and disable)
Rhino plugins that do not ship with Rhino
C:\Users\kerme\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins\Lumion LiveSync for Rhino (839d6175-32d1-4ffe-a0a4-b7fb43cf0ff5)\2021.3.25.899\Lumion\Rhino 7.0\LumionPlugin.rhp “Lumion LiveSync for Rhino”
C:\Users\kerme\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins\D5Conv (e0d5e210-02f6-4ee9-a2b0-1675e225d958)\\Rhino 7\D5Conv.rhp “D5Converter for Rhino”