Hello Rhino Forum,
I need to make a stepped landscape model in Rhino 8. Can I somehow get the contours onto a surface and then just raise them individually, ie. via the push/pull command?
I know they need to be closed or touch the border.
Does anyone have an idea?
Best Regards
Hi 514 -
Hi Wim,
That sounds great, but how to get contours or lines onto a surface?
It will prove good for many operations. I know it is a completely different piece of software, but in sketchup, the lines drawn, or placed, on a surface merges with that surface. How to do that in Rhino?
There’s a few ways to do it I’ll just share one. Depending on the results you want/need there’s different stuff you’ll need to do.
Starting off with just curves/plane:
If your curves have too many control points you might want to rebuild them (I rebuild all 3 to the same point count):
Then I use “Pull”, and then I use “SplitFace” and select the “SelectCurves” option:
This is the easiest case probably and in this case the fastest way (for me) is just gumball extruding the sub-objects:
Basically the “Pull” and “SplitFace” replaces Sketchup’s push/pull. It’s an extra step but I’m still faster at this in Rhino (and have more control).
Remember this is the easiest case. You might have to clean up your lines if your contours aren’t clean… among other things… I could also make a video of this quite quickly but I’ll only bother to do that if asked.
Hi 514 -
When you don’t post a .3dm file, all we can do is guess…
Do you mean that the curves are somewhere in space above or below the surface?
If they are on the surface, all you need to do is use the PushPull
(You don’t need to split faces as Keith mentions).