Rhino 8 SR14 Release Candidate 1 is now available and I counted 156 YouTrack items fixed/implemented. The complete list is at Rhino 8 Service Release Candidate Available - #61 by brian I don’t recall a previous Service Release with this many YT items. Impressive.
Hi David -
A bug in the reporting system was fixed. We’ve had this many for each SR but they never made it to the announcement…
Actually, they always made it to the announcement page, just not individually tagged in each Discourse post. I’m tempted to go back through all the service releases since 8.1 and post “fixed” in the threads. It’d likely be about 1000 posts, though. Should I do it?
I had not realized the total number of items in previous Service Releases, probably because I Use SRCs and don’t look at the SR announcements.
@brian Please don’t overwelm the forum with a thousand posts.
I’m conflicted… I think it would be useful to have the topics marked as resolved. But I agree it’s noisy. I wonder if there is a quiet-ish way to do this…
This is an interesting issue. I personally really like the help docs, and the forum. To say the least.
It frustrates me when my colleagues don’t update their seats to latest release.
Especially, lately I keep seeing lots of problems fixed, but makes my head spin. While I’m alot more motivated to update the the latest versions asap!
I’m not really sure what the whole YT thing does yet, I’m kinda newby with what that does – for me as a user. Seems more like a dev thing.
… there’s so many I don’t always read them all
the SRC’s are the best
would you have done it if he hadn’t said anything
I’ll prob read them and click the like button 50 times a day. prob take me 20 days.
Well, I was considering it once I saw how much more complete the new announcement code is. This just happens to be the first place where it came up in a conversation outside my skull.