I have set up the sections in my model, and have a problem objects showing inside a block.
I have created a window block, and in my section I want to see through the glass, so i have hided/clipped out the “glass” layer in the settings for the section. But the glass keeps showing?
The only solution so far is to remove the glass from the block - is there a way to keep the glass within the block, or make the “glass”-layer see through?
2024-04-11_Test model.3dm (6.7 MB)
Hej Rajaa
Thanks for your reply! Here you have the model.
Im using windows with Rhino 8 SR6 2024-4-10 (Rhino 8, 8.6.24101.05001)
Can you test with the service release candidate (SR 7)? I ran a test here and it is working as expected. When I hide the Glas layer, the drawing does not show the glass object in the drawing.
I isolated one Block instance and I think I got the expected result
Hi Rajaa.
Thank you for the answer!
Yes, that is also working for me. The problem is when I want to hide the glass within a block using the “Objects clipped” feature.
This is a known and frequently reported issue. Sections, make2D etc see elements in hidden layers that are in blocks. It is like there for years if not decades and no action was taken. The only work around is to redefine your block temporarily without the glass.
When I say it is a workaround I do not mean it is practical, especially if you have a lot of blocks with different degrees of detail.
This is only one of the many problems that makes documenting projects in Rhino a nearly impossible task. The hope that dynamic sections would come close to solving it is quickly vanishing.
It seems that Rhino has no understanding how architectural documents are expected to be produced and has demonstrated no wish to evolve on these fronts.
@nsgma please try the Rhino 8.8 service release candidate. It includes fixes to Make2D and ClippingDrawings to take into account excluded layers of nested blocks. Please let us know how it works for you. Note that the display part of the bug is not fixed yet, but extracting drawings should be.
clipping drawing would be a very very usefull feature but unfortunately clipping through blocks doesnt work… is there a reason why? and is there a fix in the near future or a workarround?
the following picture shows the result when I create a clipping drawing from groups of closed polysurfaces (the top and bottom ends are open-polysurfaces so there is no hatch - all good)
the next image shows the result when I make a block out of the previous parts.
this would be such a cool feature because I could create workshop drawings relatively easy - with just clipping planes and for example wireframe - I cannot dimension the hidden lines in layout so I need to stack numerous drawings on top… tedious
or I need to explode all my blocks into groups to make the drawing (which I do right now) but lose the reference to the model which would be the whole purpose of the clippingdrawing…
I attach another simple file where it doesnt work, actually for me the clipping drawings never worked - so I am looking forward when it works to integrate it into my workflows!