Rhino 8 | Section Drawings | List of bugs


I’ve come across a few bugs in Rhino 8 (RH8 SR9) related to the section tool. I’ve compiled a list of them in one post to keep the forum organized.

Thank you for addressing these. Perhaps there’s a setting I’m overlooking.

  1. Section Drawings -

    1. Geometry below and above not displaying correctly.
    2. Not cutting through blocks correctly
    3. Editing section drawings after placement command makes drawing disappear - Redo
    4. Hatches often only visible in wireframe mode
  2. Section drawings | Placement point -

    1. What is the exact position of the placement point relative to geometry?
    2. Odd placement point location
  3. Relocating section drawing - unlocked layers revert back to previous position after update

Geometry below and above not displaying correctly.

Not cutting through blocks

Section Drawing

Placement point

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@rajaa Please, any idea to handled / fix it? Thank you!!