Rhino 8 saving issues?

i could be just me being an idiot but it has happened a couple of times now.

I have a file imported from a Proliner that I clean up and make adjustments and maybe start adding a couple of surfaces.
Then I save the file either by over writing the original or more usual is with a new file name.
When i open the new file a day later any work hasn’t been saved ?

I did this just yesterday, and know I added 2 surfaces, saved as a working copy so added ‘working’ to the file name… opened it this afternoon and most of the things I worked on yesterday are gone including the surfaces ?

also seem to be having osnap issues as well, snapping a curve to the middle of another curve is challenging, often works after the 3rd or 4th attempt


Hi Richard,

Where is the file being saved? A local location on your computer, cloud drive, networked drive?

Please run SystemInfo in the Rhino command line and post your results. Thanks

I will do that tomorrow, i’m at home now on a different laptop. I am saving everything on Dropbox from both locations

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I’ve never had any geometry that was saved in a file disappear.