Rhino 8 Development

Congratulations to McNeel on the monumental release of Rhino 7! Thank you to all the developers for your hard work. Here’s a list of what I would like to see the devs focus on for the next WIP. Items listed in no particular order.

Advanced Clipping.

Modern drafting features.


  • Support Camera Widgets for layout views
  • Clean up terminology around cameras vs camera widgets. It’s so confusing, especially for noobs.
    Request for Cameras again

glTF / GLB export support.

  • These file formats are gaining traction. Rhino should support them natively.

Illustrator export.

  • Images and textures should export to illustrator, Trimmed planes as clipping masks.
  • Better support for scaling linework upon export

See: Images do not migrate to Illustrator or any other application - #49 by sthode66

Links manager.

  • We need linked file manager for texture images and the ability to see broken links all in one place, relink, and package them all into a folder that can be sent along with a .3dm file. (We get an embedded files folder sometimes but there is no way to create this folder on command.) As Rhino CPU/GPU rendering comes to maturity with Cycles, this feature is imperative for effective file management.

Variational Surface Modeling.

Asset library.

  • The number one reason my colleagues in the profession of architecture refuse to switch to Rhino from another popular 3D modeling software is their robust user-generated asset libraries where you can download anything from people to trees or a coffee pot directly into your scene. Additionally, suppliers and manufacturers appear to be paying a premium to list 3D models of their products in this space. With the current revolt against the subscription model, this user group seems ripe for the taking. Please don’t direct to 3rd party websites offering a mixed bag of for sale and subpar free assets.

SubD Weighted vertices.


Radial Symmetry.

  • Rhino 7 has come one step closer to the holy grail with the introduction of the _Reflect command. Let’s go all the way!

What do YOU want to see from McNeel moving forward?


I need the advanced clipping, but I do not need other features mentioned by the original poster. The fillets are editable in Rhino 7, but this feature was buggy when I used it a few months ago.

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This is my # 1 as well.

I can find no documentation of this and it’s not listed in the Rhino 7 Features post. When I said “editable fillets” I meant fillets that can be modified or removed on an object after they have been created.


Clip with objects would be amazing.


That is a Rhino 6 Feature


ya learn something new everyday. Thanks! I’ve edited my post.


Nevertheless, isn’t this a concern? Certainly V6 documentation should have been carried forward into the V7 documentation. Is it too obscure to find easily, or doesn’t it exist at all?

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Can you suggest what can be done to improve this?

This may be related. I added a small “new” image for everything new in v7 in Rhino 7 Help topics. The 3DFace topic for the example.


I’ll do this in Rhino 8 Help topics with a different “new” image. I can turn one or both on with a few clicks.

I forget where I saw them, but McNeel made good video tutorials for this feature.


Well, it’s tucked inside the _FilletEdge command and it does have documentation. To borrow a joke from another rhino user – I think part of the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair. :joy: I’m just happy it’s already a functioning feature.

Now, we can focus on other items on this list. :upside_down_face:


I think I misunderstood your reply. Anyway, now you can easily tell what’s new when you look through the help topics. I hope this can be helpful in the future versions of Rhino.


A simple concept, but one that will probably make the transition to 7 easier for a lot of users. Thanks.


Flamingo plugin is mediocre renderer, but it makes good trees and shrubs. It has not been updated for several years and cannot match the performance of native Rhino renderer. It would be good idea to salvage Flamingo plants by integrating them with Rhino (like Grasshopper).

XNurbs plugin ($395) makes smooth blending of NURBS surfaces. In my opinion, this plugin or something similar should be integrated into Rhino.

Many computer users prefer dark background.

The last problem is the quality of mesh commands and the quality of Rhino documentation.


I forgot to mention that the advanced clipping is available in Rhino 5 and Rhino 6 as a plugin called SectionTools. Brian James explained the Rhino 5 plugin in this video tutorial: https://vimeo.com/18666799

You can download the SectionTools plugin from: https://wiki.mcneel.com/labs/sectiontools

Hi @andrew.nowicki,

I’ve used section tools occasionally, but this plugin doesn’t address the fundamental features that many uses have been asking about for years: Object exclusion and clipping extents.

There’s actually another plugin that gets a bit closer called Dynamic Display. Add object exclusion to this and we’re all set. I’ll gladly pay Asuni $35 bucks for this functionality (but of course, it’s preferable to have this integrated into native Rhino as a first-class citizen so it would get the continued attention it deserves.)

Since VisualArq can exclude objects from clipping and Dynamic Display can control clipping extents, It appear to me–as someone who is not a software developer–that all the ingredients already exist within the McNeel/Asuni ecosystem and it’s just a matter of convincing our friendly developers to devote resources to exploring this feature in the next WIP.

I did not use the SectionTools plugin for many years, so I do not remember it well, but it seems that ‘Edit Sections Object List’ Option can do it. Take a look at this video from 4:36 to 4:50: https://vimeo.com/18666799

My v8 wish list (so far) is:

-radial subd symmetry
-more robust topo snap in subd
-variable SubD creasing
-voxel boolean and offsets
-particles and atmospheres in rendering (hair fur, fog, etc)
-non photo real rendering (watercolor, sketchy, poster-ized, etc…)
-Robust cloud library for materials and rendering assets from inside rhino


That’s actually a perfect example of why SectionTools doesn’t cut it. At 4:35 when the tutor updates the object list to only cut through the roof, you can see in perspective view that it is still clipping through the blue polysurfaces. I don’t care about the 2D section cut–I want this to work in 3D. We need the ability to create perspective and orthographic “peel away” assembly illustrations with a non-destructive workflow.

I would love @rajaa to weigh in on this discussion. :upside_down_face:


Some of your descriptions are hard to understand because they are very terse.
-Sketching is already available. It is called SmartTrack.
-Radial SubD symmetry, more robust topo snap in SubD, and variable SubD creasing, particles and atmospheres in rendering (hair fur, fog, etc) are good ideas.
-Voxel boolean and offsets are hard to understand.
-Non photo real rendering (watercolor, sketchy, poster-ized, etc…) is available in old Penguin plugin.
-Robust cloud library for materials and rendering assets from inside rhino seems to be less important than fundamental flaw of Rhino textures. You can see this flaw when you apply wood texture to a sphere. The only solution is volumetric texture mapping.

example of volumetric texture mapping:

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Oh, come on!

Everything in this thread is moot before this gets fixed! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, that thread is OLD, so it’s bloody due!

(And yes, people are still asking, screaming, shouting, begging, pleading for updates here…)