I have adjusted my pointer size and color through the Windows mouse pointer settings in the control panel, so it always appears green and larger than normal. Whenever I open Rhino, my mouse pointer either becomes pixelated or suddenly becomes super small. To fix it, everytime I have to go to the Windows control panel and reset my pointer settings so that it appears as before.
I assume it is a Rhino issue since it doesn’t happen with other software.
I totally should. But I am bound to whenever our IT decides to update software packages. Hence I am always a few months behind.
But you are right, reporting bugs on older versions just isn’t as useful. That didn’t cross my mind to be honest…
I have this issue both on Windows 10 and 11 and in a single monitor setup. Just updated to the latest version the problem persists. The issue happens especially when the Rhino file is heavy. Here’s a photo for reference: