April 15, 2023, 3:06am
Hi all - this is well beyond me - does anyone know how / if possible to increase / toggle the size of the mouse pointer of cursor in as a .py
Often presenting on screen have found audience are not following the tool tip if too small / screen too big.
Would be amazing to do in rhino / rather than in window screen settings every time
Thank you
(Pascal Golay)
April 15, 2023, 3:25am
Hi Oliver - Windows lets you set the cursor size -
there are some things in Rhino Common that dceal wth cursors but not, I thnk, at least from wnhat I see so far, what you need.
I think you could use Autohotkey to do this. I use different little scripts for example to create a ripple effect on a mouse click or show which key is pressed…
April 15, 2023, 9:40am
Thank you both, will have a tinker with