Hey guys! This is my first post here so hope that someone can help me!
I work in the CGI industry, modeling hardsurface characters, and I’ve been a user of MoI for a very long time. Some of my character detailing work goes as follows: I sculpt more complex organic shape I want in Zbrush, then use quad remesh to get all quads, and then I import the model to MoI via the SubD “from file” option at the bottom.
That way I get a nice (Nurbs or Quad, I am not sure) base, which looks nice and filleted, that allows me to do various detail booleans to it, which is a perfect quick workflow for me. I am even able to additionally fillet and correct the contact edges after the boolean has been done!
My questions is if there is a way to replicate this process if I were to purchase Rhino? I tried doing so in Rhino 7 but had no luck as the imported model from Zbrush, even when converted to subd, gets tessallated and is unworkable with once the booleans are applied ( given that the booleans succeed in the first place ).
I tried the following in Rhino. I import the quad model, then convert it to Subd. And after that I use the command “toNURBS”.
Not sure what you mean by tessellation happening, since Rhino supports quad meshes just fine, along with SubD. Probably some screenshots, and maybe some (simple) files that show your problem uploaded to this thread would help, especially for when the modelling gurus awaken.
The model in Rhino then has issues and errors when I tried to do any basic boolean operation to it…
I just figured out that the tessallation I was refering to are actually dense isocurves in Rhino, not actual face borders, those are displayed thicker on the model.
I guess that Rhino and Moi just have a different way of converting the mesh?
Any insight to this would be appreciated!
edit: note that if you run -_ToNurbs you’ll be able to set SubD options. If you pick packed (I believe that is default) you get what I showed above. If you pick unpacked you’ll get a surface per subd face.
Unpacked, but isocurves showing (note, heavier lines are the surface edges)
Best to upload a sample model, Quadmesh and converted from Mo.
If nothing has changed in Mo versions ?? I n earlier versions the model was much denser than in RH, you just do not see it.
Other thing yet, in Mo default tolerance settings are 0.005mm, in RH 0.001mm
Guaranteed, Mo uses external library, McNeel in house solutions.
As Nathan mentioned, the only thing I see in the Rhino screenshot of the toNURBS result is that Surface Isocurves are on in the display mode. Use the Display Panel to disable that and it will look the same as what you expected. You could alternately use ToSubD on the imported quad OBJ from ZB and then edit that with SubD tools in Rhino 7 prior to using ToNURBS to get to a PolySrf. If a Boolean isn’t working for you at that stage, post the 3dm model with the objects before and after the Boolean attempt.
Hey guys! These are some really great answers! Thank you for your time.
So I did a little experimenting, mainly with the tolerance and boolean placement, and I was able to replicate the workflow in MoI.
The only main difference I would say, is that Rhino converts the mesh a little differently, so the faces are more prominent, which makes it a little harder to do booleans on the edges between the faces!
Thank you for all the answers and suggestions!