Exporting mesh as quads for Zbrush

I’ve searched the forum here but nothing has helped me, so I hope its ok to start a new topic.

As the title says, I’m looking to go from Rhino6 to Zbrush for surface modelling, but exporting as an .obj gives me a horrific mesh of polys rather than a neat array of quads.

I’ve tried playing with the export settings but tbh I can’t figure out which settings to change. I’ve also tried QuadrangulateMesh and QuadRemesh (in WIP7) but again can’t get decent results.

Can anyone help me figure out a decent workflow? Attached is a sample file to illustrate as well as a screenshot of what I get when I import an .OBJ into Zbrush.


Sample.3dm (2.3 MB)

Tim, I’d just use the Zremesher inside Zbrush if I were you. Then maybe project the new tool onto the old one to get the sharp bits back again?

Worth a try.

To me, the question is: What do you want?..what is the purpose?
Have a nice preview in Zbrush…just for illustration with alll edges etc…
OR: have a nice rendering? (more important to me)
In the last case, it’s ok, do not change anything.

Happy New Year

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I would like to get some input on this workflow too. The Zremesher tool can sometimes result in unwanted effects, and we lose definition of the discrete planar geometry. Being able to quadremesh it in rhino and reliably export the quad mesh to zbrush is extremely desired.

All of the triangulations can be particularly difficult with UV mapping.

Objs behave strange with 3D coat as well.
I use .stl