Rhino 7 files failing to save/saveas on network drive

Hi all!

I’m having some issues for our users where it is becoming a bit of a common theme for a few users where they have trouble saving files to our network file server, it doesn’t seem to follow a pattern and it can be random where some files save and others don’t. Things I’ve tried so far:

  • Check permissions were correct
  • reinstall Rhino
  • Open in safe mode
  • Tested this as found a solution in a rhino forum
    • In Rhino, click Tools > Options
    • In the Advanced tab, type WriteLocal in the Filter edit box.
    • Clear the checkbox
    • Click ok
  • Creating a new blank rhino file then copy/paste all from original
  • Check file location to make sure Rhino file lock isn’t enabled (which it is not)

I’m struggling to think of any other possible causes so please fire away any suggestions or solutions that you may think works!

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I don’t think you want to be operating with the Rhino file lock disabled, that’s what stops you from losing your work.

What is the file server, is it running duplication or something that might be locking the files? The problem is on the server side, I’m saying, having to change any of those settings in Rhino to get normal file sharing to work is a problem on the server side.

My workstation is my nominal ‘file server,’ and I’m running Acronis backup, and syncing to Google Drive, and I’ve never seen this issue ever…not even like 10 years ago when I was in an office with 5 other people running basically the same setup. I would like to move everything to an actual separate sever or NAS setup, but people having these issues gives me a bit of pause.