Details of "Writing to the disk or storage device failed"

A user on Rhino 7 is having an intermittent issue and receiving the message “Writing to the disk or storage device failed”. Is there a way to get the specific reason, e.g. disk full, permission denied?

Is this a local drive, in or directly connected to the computer, or on a network , One Drive, Google Drive or similar?

It is a Windows Server 2019 SMB network share. It is almost certainly the problem. I need to know the exact reason the file system says it cannot be saved. Trying to catch the error from the Windows side is a nightmare. I have seen mention of Rhino having a developer mode that verbosely describes every operation and was hoping that would be faster.

Hi @prichard,

Try enabling this advanced setting:

– Dale

Unfortunately, it was already enabled.

Hi @prichard,

See this old thread.

– Dale

Per that thread, WriteLocalTempFileWhenSaving needs to be disabled to resolve the issue. I will try this when the user is done for the day. Also, I’ve attached the output of SystemInfo.
Rhino7Systeminfo.txt (2.8 KB)

Hi @prichard,

This is incorrect.

  • Download and install the latest Rhino 7 Service Release, which is SR37.
  • Launch Rhino 7 and change WriteLocalTempFileWhenSaving to True (see above).
  • Validate that you cannot save to your network drive,
  • After the file fails to save, run the TestLocalTempWriteDebug test command. Please let me know what was printed to the command line.

Also, if you are saving in a format other than .3dm, let me know.


– Dale