File saving problems continue

I’m still having issues saving to a network store sometimes. I think I may have lost this mornings work.

Rhino reports it is saving correctly in the status bar, but I’ve just had a warning pop up saying the document couldn’t be saved. I’ve checked the folder and the it hasn’t been saved. There is clearly a problem here that the status bar says it has been saved and an alert pop up says it hasn’t.

@dan would there be a way to have a temporary local autosave location for in the event of a problem like this? I lost a morning’s work because saving had failed and then Rhino crashed.

Auto save doesn’t work to a server, so we need to manually save. But it would be nice to have a safety net of a temporary local autosave.

I’ve checked here: ~/Library/Autosave Information

There is nothing for a 2.5 hour slot where the major work I did was done and then lost when Rhino crashed. If this is the feature I’m after, how can I increase the frequency so that it actually provides the safety net for it to be worthwhile?

I’m sorry to hear this. This is the worst-case scenario.

We are discussing related issues quite a bit lately (even in the context of Rhino for Windows). I believe what you are talking about, if I’m understanding correctly, would be the ability to save to a different path than the currently open file…periodically? Automatically? That’s where I get murky.

In case of the crash and lost work in question last week, was the file you lost being saved to a network location?

PS: I take it TimeMachine had not run with sufficient frequency this time around.

It was a network location (SMB or AFP), saving failed so Time Machine would have been no use and auto save doesn’t work on the network location anyway.

That’s where my preference would be a local temporary file location. I don’t really mind whether it is every 20 mins (periodic) or continuous. I’d imagine periodic would be easier but I don’t really know. Ideally they would be retained for 24 hours or something. Wouldn’t want them to be retained for much more than that to avoid excessive disk space usage.

What would you call such a feature? Over on Windows, there is some confusion about what the Rhino for Windows Autosave feature actually does…one proposal was to call this feature “Emergency Save”:

Excessive disk usage is a thorny issue, I think. Many of the users who would like to disable the macOS Versions/AutoSave feature in Rhino for Mac say they would like to do this because it is filling up their disk. I can imagine this problem could be compounded two-fold if Rhino for Mac had the existing AutoSave enabled (the macOS provided one), as well as this “Emergency Save” feature.

Back up? Local autosave? Lifeline? Get out of jail free? 2nd life? Sorry, at least a couple were serious.

Ultimately I think the decision would depend somewhat on how it’s implemented.

I think it’s important to have user options for these.

Regarding the back up feature / local autosave, I’d suggest it is on by default when working with files on a network. Would add a level of robustness and, to be honest, would allow things to be speeded up dramatically in theory. You could imagine that Rhino saves locally and then copies across the network. While the copying is happening you can carry on working whilst the sync happens in the background.

Again, would rather an option to set how long the back ups are kept for.