Rhino 6 SR14 (6.14.19118) Is now available.
Rhino will download and offer to install these updates for you, unless you’ve disabled automatic updates.
Bugs Fixed:
- Annotation: Font in dropdown changes to Arial when highlighting text using Din-PRO font (RH-50459)
- Annotation: DimLinear: History broken on Extrusion objects (RH-50905)
- Annotation: Leader: Break history on leader text modification (RH-51081)
- Arc: Doesn’t respect coordinate input (RH-50674)
- BlendSrf: No Zebra on chained edges (RH-50790)
- Cycles: Texture images are read in flipped through Cycles XML (RH-51358)
- Display:
- File IO:
- Grasshopper: Parallel computing with Point in Brep Component crashing Rhino (RH-51201)
- Gumball: Does not accepts scaling in units, if scale node has been adjusted (RH-51170)
- Help: F1 does not open Circle help (RH-51106)
- Licensing: Cloud Zoo: Cloud Zoo hang-up (RH-51259)
- Localization: Unlocalized command in German Rhino (RH-50786)
- MacroEditor: Opens Help web page (RH-51169)
- MatchCrvDir: Too flippy (RH-50653)
- ModifyRadius: Current radius number format (RH-50637)
- NamedView: Dragging a Named View Widget does not cause a OnEvent call (RH-50995)
- No Subsystem: In-place material editor displays texture after pasting (RH-50878)
- OpenNURBS:
- Print: Draw Order not consistent with print output (RH-50792)
- Properties:
- RDK: Ground Plane dialog shows a tip when it shouldn’t (RH-50772)
- Rendering: Materials: The BUMP texture does not open (RH-50706)
- RoundHole: Stops working after first hole (RH-50626)
- SDK: DisplayMode properties changed by scripts revert back on Gumball toggle and other actions (RH-51112)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- SDK: RhinoScript: Rhino.AddText fails on strings with backslashes (RH-50611)
- Selection: Pre-selected object gets semi-unselected during Trim (RH-50851)
- SetUserText: Attribute user text from Properties (RH-51298)
- Snapshot: Requires BonusTools plug-in to be loaded before it will show layer states (RH-48962)
- Toolbar: Icons are wrong or wrong size (RH-50996)
- UDT:
- UserText: Fragile link between Attribute User Text - Text Field - Object Name and Object Name (RH-51172)
- ViewCaptureToFile: Results in DARK output when using a custom Technical display mode (RH-50740)
Crashes Fixed:
- Cycles: Crash with linear lights in Raytraced (RH-50809)
- No Subsystem:
- PackageManager: System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) (RH-50507)
- Project: opennurbs!ON_Curve::EvPoint – Access Denied (RH-50929)
- RDK: Rhino crashes on exit after pasting a deleted material (RH-50759)
- SDK: mfc140u!mfc140u – Access Denied (RH-51067)
- SDK: Python: Crash on MatchAtrributes (RH-50362)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Annotation: Text: Cannot change font size in text editor (RH-51527)
- Display: “Shade-highlight selected” doesn’t work on objects inside blocks (RH-50700)
- Make2D: Clipping plane cutting into box in Top view produces no result from Make2D (RH-51626)
- NamedView: Cannot transform control points of Named View Widget (RH-50696)
- No Subsystem: :Impl – Access Denied (RH-49602)
SDK Enhancement:
- Rendering: Wwitching material type doesn’t show UI (RH-49764)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Documentation for Rhino.Render.RealtimeDisplayMode (RH-32019)
Tasks Completed:
- OpenNURBS: Release new public opennurbs from 6.14 (RH-51765)