WARNING: Are you currently running 6.14.19043.12076? This update process DOES NOT work when running 6.14.19043.12076. It will act like it works, but it will always fail. Please download a new version directly from http://www.rhino3d.com/go/download/rhino-for-mac/wip/latest
This build is for testing purposes only. DO NOT USE for critical work.
What’s New in this RhinoWIP:
- Bug fixes to address file saving problems
- New Icons in Properties and Inspector Panels
- Continued User Interface cleaning
- LayerStateManager updated for V6
- Material > Picture color picker now works as expected
- TextObject no longer omits spaces
- TextObject now allows single-stroke fonts
- MPlane command added
- Fixed a crash when selecting Leader objects
- Fixed a crash when clicking the Render button
- Plugged a memory leak that sprung when rendering
- Other bug fixes, performance, and stability enhancements
Please report any problems you find in the Serengeti Mac forum.
Requires macOS High Sierra or later