You are correct. When the user can rotate the parallel view, there is almost no difference between the parallel mode and the perspective mode, so I call it perspective mode. Maybe you should invent new name to describe this mode.
Yes, I can also stand on my head if I practice it for a few minutes. Creative Rhino programmers can invent easier keyboard shortcuts. Tab key is rarely used. Combining it with Ctrl or Shift would work well. Maybe double-clicking Ctrl key or Shift key is practicable? The CapsLock is nearby but it is not used in any Rhino keyboard shortcuts.
Do the trick of RMB rotate, press Ctrl+Shift. It will toggle between Parallel and Perspective modes.
Use the 4View command to reset the Top viewport.
Do it again in the Top viewport. Projection mode toggling still happens.
Let the Top viewport stay with Parallel mode.
Save and reopen the model.
Projection mode toggling does not happen in the Top viewport.
It is a bug that may not be worth a fix because no one really uses it. Let developers spend their time on fixing issues that are more important.
For more bugs in Rhino Help
Please follow the steps below to create youtrack issues. The issues will be submitted to me and I’ll notice and look into them. Thanks.
Create a New Issue.
Select Rhino if it is not.
Select Help for Subsystem.
Add the summary.
Write the description. (Images can be inserted by pasting from Windows Clipboard.)
I have just sent one documentation bug to the youtrack ( DOC-240 ). I am not sure where to report a papercut, so I am reporting it here. The problem is illustrated in the left side of the following screenshot.
Pictures and short videos are explained with text placed above the pictures and videos. It is not clear whether the text is describing the picture (or video) above the text or below the text. The Rhino user has to waste about 10 seconds to figure it out. The solution is illustrated in the riright side of the screenshot. The improved documentation format can be implemented with the help of HTML tables.
Thanks, @andrew.nowicki. If Project: Rhino and Subsystem: Help were selected, the issue would be submitted to me.
The options, descriptions, and video clips were originally placed in a table.
I removed the table when I recently updated the v7 topic. One of the reasons is the width of the help panel. For example, the Polyline topic needs 400 pixels to display the video clips.
As you can see, option descriptions are not wrapped properly. More pixels will be required if a command has an option with a very long name (not rarely seen in Rhino). With your "improved format’, the option names and descriptions may display off the screen completely.
How about I add more space before the option names like this?
It sounds reasonable, but you should explore other options as well. Twenty years ago I used HR (horizontal line code) in my HTML files. Now these lines can be customized as shown below.
NURBS demos are worth thousands of words - they explain how the knots influence the shape of NURBS curve. There are two NURBS demos on the Internet. Online demo is here:
Downloadable demo is here: NURBS.rar (320.7 KB)