Rhino 5 graphics card / openGL issue , use accelerated hardware mode

rhino 5 graphics card / openGL issue , use accelerated hardware mode

I am having issues with the graphics in rhino5 , this started when I updated my drivers for windows 10 I have to unselect the “use accelerated hardware mode” to be able to see what I select , curves, but the graphics are not great , I notice this when I bring in images (pictureframe)

I have attached my systems info and graphics card information

anyone find a solution to this
Version 5 SR14 64-bit
Graphics card NVIDIA QUADRO 2000
openGL version 4.6.0 nvidia 387.95
render version 2.0
windows 10

Windows has a habit of over writing perfectly good graphic drivers with incorrect ones. You should head over to Nvidia’s website and download the current correct driver package for your video card and see what that does for your issue.