Horrible UI scaling problems after latest service release… anyone able to help?
Toolbars come up in multiple overlapping scales, which change/get worse over time…
Yikes! I’ll see what I can find out.
@stevebaer - got an idea?
@cairn - this is SR13, correct? (Help > About Rhinoceros). Does a reboot help?
@pascal Yes SR13, Reboot no change so far…
@stevebaer In fact, the whole display is scaled, about 2:1 compared to normal monitor resolution…
That is pretty terrible looking. Did you apply the config file fix that JB recommended a while ago? If so, try removing that config file to see if it helps.
The manifest file work-around @stevebaer mentioned should not make any difference to SR13, but deleting or renaming the “rhino.exe.manifest” file can’t hurt. It just should make no difference.
@cairn: Does 32-bit Rhino V5 looks all smashed up too?
If so, make sure you aren’t doing anything special in the Windows Control Panel display settings.
I haven’t tried the fix. Can you link me to it?
32 bit seems unaffected… I have made no change to windows. I run a Caustic card, but can’t see how that would make a diff.
Can I re-install the earlier version to get me back to work? (I’ld rather not do that via system restore)
Screen grab showing Rhino UI with perspective viewport output via ViewCapturetoFile superimposed. This shows how the Rhino display resolution is scaled…
Hi Cairn - this was the fix prior to SR 13:
This may not apply here, but I have found that in Windows 7 64 bit, even if you are using a Aero theme in “Personalize” the old “Advanced Appearance settings” from the Windows 7 Basic theme applies to many of the ways Rhino looks. For instance the color of Notes background and the color of the active title bar of your pop-up toolbar. Also the size of icons etc. You can get to the Advanced Appearance settings by right clicking the Desktop>Personalize>Windows Color>and clicking Advanced Appearance on the bottom. Hope that helps.
I would also like to add that even thought John Brock has assured me, on this forum, that the fix that Pascal has a link to above can in no way affect anything outside of Rhino, it did strange things to my Windows 7 64bit set up. First, it did not change the size of anything in Rhino on my 30" screen. Second, it did not allow my Taskbar clock to pop-up when clicking on the "time-date right-hand side of taskbar. This after numerous attempts and “system restore” to fix the problem. The clock not popping up is a small thing that I could have lived without, but it makes me wonder what else it is affecting on the OS , only to find out later when that system restore is long over written and gone.
Thanks al for the fixl, but this seems to be something else. My display is being sized down, then scaled up to fit the large screen. So, a full-screen ViewCapturetoFile JPG which would ordinarily measure 2560x1440 comes out at 1551x871. Does this give anyone a clue what might be going on?
Well, yes. The fix was for those who were having problems with SR12 and that was attempted to be fixed with SR13 (RC1). You are having problems with that attempt and thus that needs to be fixed for RC2. I’m sure @stevebaer has this high on the radar.
Also see:
In Windows Control panel > Display > Screen Resolution, Are you running the “recommended” resolution?
yes, native 2560 x 1440
Any chance of reverting to earlier version for the time-being? Getting seriously behind here…
Too much water under the bridge to revert using System Restore.
The simplest way to roll back is to uninstall Rhino from Control Panel - be sure to uninstall all four things (32-bit Rhino 5, 64-bit Rhino 5, Language Pack, Help Media) and then install SR12 by downloading from http://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino/5/latest
Looks like we’ll back out the fix for DPI awareness for Rhino 5; clearly it doesn’t make things better for everyone.
Looking at the instructions, I can see why it would affect things outside Rhino. The registry key you change with those instructions tells Windows to use external manifests, if they exist, for every program. There’s no way we can tell whether a manifest exists to affect other programs.
If you don’t like the way the solution affects other programs, then you’ll need to undo it, and use Rhino the way it is.
Sorry to say, but I can’t use it as it is…
Did you get my private message?