Rendering Shadows of Hidden Objects onto Visible Objects

Basically here is what I’m trying to achieve:
I’d like to get a rendered elevation view of a particular wall WITH the shadows of the object next to it (behind the camera). I only want to see the shadows the object is casting, so I can get an outline in parallel elevation view of the shadow cast on a neighbouring wall.

I’ve tried to use a ClippingPlane but as soon as the shadow-casting object disappears from view, so does the shadow it casts.

I’ve also tried OrientCameraToSrf but the shaows are not coming up properly

Any advice from someone who has had this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Max.

Hi Max - I am not sure I follow, yet - is the shadow casting object visible

or behind the camera?


unfortunately, the topic was not continued. i have the same problem. i want to make a shadow analysis of a whole floor.
in order to be able to see the floor i have inserted a clipping plane that intersects the floor about halfway. the ceiling tile is now hidden, but also no longer casts a shadow.

Hi -

We have this feature request on the list as RH-75825 Clipping plane should allow to affect geometry but not lighting

Is this still in progress? I’ve read through the comments at your link but using the clipping plane still removes the shadows of the object I’m clipping. Is there a setting somewhere that I’m not seeing?

Hi James -

That issue is closed.
Please run the Rhino SystemInfo command and copy-paste the output here.
Also please provide a small 3dm file that shows what you are having issues with.

systeminfo.txt (2.8 KB)
22COT-MOD Base-ATR30-Spin Out.3dm (15.2 MB)

So the clipping plane is set to the top view, and I’m trying to show the shadows created by the shade structures without showing the structures themselves.