Rendering Challenge1!

If you liked subd challenges, jump in and try the new and improved rendering tools for v7

here is a car I built for testing Sub d- (file is attached) , take it and render one up for yourself! share your results here!

try PBR materials, lights with customizable falloff (linear or inverse squared falloff) adjustable skylight and sun intensities and more!

We are interested in your lighting sets, materials, environment maps, etc…Feel free to improve the model in any way you like-

my render has 1 panel light set to inverse squared and a default environment-

Have fun!

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Great model!
I finally took the time to take on this challenge, so here is the result of about one hour of setting up materials, adding two rectangular lights above, adding a backdrop and adjusting the environment. I added reflectors in the lights since they went into the “body” and tweaked the camera dof.
Oh, and I had to turn of “cast shadows” for the glass objects and added thickness to those.

Hope you like it.


Here’s a dark and shiny version, but on renderers like these the Cycles banding in dark areas becomes very apparent. Also the body is still quite noisy even after 1000 passes, so running denoising on it would be interesting.

I changed from two to 6 panel lights to make more stripes and then added two additional ones to control the dimmer lighting/reflection in the letters on the car.

Just to be clear: The banding is so bad that this can NOT be used for production, and I see that if I render with the old faschioned, new “static” render panel then the banding is gone… Can this be done for the rendered view also?

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If you mean _Render with Rhino Render then it is probably because the render window handles the results from Cycles better.

Cycles gives all its results as full float, unclamped buffers to Rhino. The same as for the viewport as for the render window. What happens to the renders after that is out of my hands (:

The display pipeline devs are aware of this, I am sure you that at some point the viewport will look good too.

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Production renders should be done in the standalone render window, you’ll have more control there. Plus the post effects and tone mapping.

Ray trace mode is for quick and dirty renders, the standalone is for finals.

In 2020 this seems very inadequate. The whole viz world in moving in a direction where the viewport IS the final output. This is specially relevant for Rendered Viewmode. Unless you are thinking that is necessary to offload Rendered view (OpenGL) into an offline render buffer to get rid of the same banding problems?


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Yeah, I know, but conveinience is so convenient, so I use viewcapture and paste it into mails all the time. So I won’t back down on this one :wink:

Yeah, good oldfashioned _render that oddly enough doesn’t support Cycles in Rhino 6 has made me turn away from that old way of doing stuff, so now I roll with the new viewcapture highway and don’t want to go back :slight_smile:

Here’s a new color combo based on the first lighting.


to be clear, you can use raytraced mode for final output if you choose, you can override the sample outputs for raytraced mode and get as many samples as you want, and when denoisers come on line the speed to image quality ratio improves violently.

for instance, this image was rendered to 58 passes in 7 seconds in raytraced mode with a denoiser kicking in at 20 samples. I’m on a quadro rtx 5000 in a 20 core i9 machine.

awesome!! will you post a screen shot of your lighting and setup? Or even the whole model with materials and lighting included? I’d love this thread to be a resource for folks just getting started learning how to up their render skills-

another way to do this would be one pbr with an emitter channel added with a black and white striped image mapped to it. You could even add the same image in the opacity channel and have it be transparent between the white stripes.- (image based lighting Yo! )

That way you can procedurally control the amount of stripes with your image repeats and only have one lighting object to mess with. The down side, is you only have one lighting object to mess with… BUT you can also make that lighting object any shape you want

love the black and gold color scheme!

Don’t forget to play with light falloffs!! One of the coolest updates for rendering in v7!
Linear and inverse squared produce vastly different results for light quality over constant.

Of course, here’s the file.

I added a driver to give the cockpit a bit of life, and did a few small tweaks like the yellow plexiglass in the back and punched some holes here and there like in the back part for the funnel thingos to pop through (they had internal reflection of light that didn’t look right :wink: ) and split up the brakedisk and calipers for coloring.
Oh, and I added edge softening to the rims to add a bit of highlight to those edges)

I used Constant light strength on these lights to keep the backdrop well lit. But it is so great that Rhino finally supports light fall off. That has been on the wish list since 1998 for my sake, since back when 3D Studio Max R2 was ‘the thing’ :smiley:

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Looks amazing! I hope others take a look at your file and see how simple a set up this is- Great results, low effort…that’s what I’m talking about!!

my only comment is to use standard materials unless you need pbr as they have a small performance hit over the regular materials in my experience here.

@andy may contradict me on that, but by seat of the pants testing, I seem to be seeing in in my tests

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Metal, Glass, Gem, Plastic and Paint are all behind the scenes converted to PBR materials. The only material that isn’t is Plaster (and Custom when it doesn’t smell like Metal, Glass, Gem, Plastic or Paint).

thanks for clarifying!

20+ years of rhino use and I’m still learning every day!

Well, for Raytraced / v7 Rhino Render that was enabled only last week or so :slight_smile:

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