I am working on a model in Rhino 8, I haven’t quite figured out how to make the rendering as nice as I did in Rhino 7. In the meantime, I am trying to give my client a decent Artistic shot and I can’t seem to be able to rid myself of all this curves. Currently the item is in a SubD turned Nurbs, creating a lot of little surfaces, but I would like it to look smooth. Turning isocurves off of the object doesn’t seem to do the trick. Any suggestions?
If only we could do ‘stippling’ for the shade and shadows
In the past I’ve seen cases where you can copy the default display mode and thereby ‘unlock’ some of the ‘suppressed’ options, and ultimately end up with a slightly more mod-able version.
So, I’m not sure if you’re somehow using a modded version that’s showing actual isocurves…