I have unchecked “show surface isocurves” in the Display panel.
Most of the surfaces became isocurves hided,
But yet there are surfaces which are not.
They are all surfaces which I have inserted them with “picture frame” command.
I would like to have them all isocurve hided.
How can I do that?
(all at once, not one by one in properties panel, as it is a big file, and a lot of them…)
The PictureFrame command inserts surfaces and assigns a display mode (more precisely the Rendered display mode) to it that is not necessarily the same as the display mode that you are using. This works the same way as the SetObjectDisplayMode command.
Out-of-the-box Rhino PictureFrames do not show isocurves. Since yours do, you must have changed the default Rendered display mode.
Go to Rhino Options > View > Display Modes > Rendered and turn off isocurves under visibility.
For those surface edges, also go to the display mode that you are using and turn them off there.
Thank you very much.
I forgot to write that i am working in textureshaded mode.
I have solved the problem by choosing “rendering mode” and then back to “texture shaded mode”.