Hello, can someone explain to me if it is possible with Grasshopper to remove triangular faces and create a uniform closed polysurface?
Remove the triangulations3.3dm (2.7 MB)
Hello, can someone explain to me if it is possible with Grasshopper to remove triangular faces and create a uniform closed polysurface?
In grasshopper, try Surface > Util > Merge Faces
. If you just need to fix the surface in Rhino, use the _MergeAllCoplanarFaces
Merge faces doesn’t work.
The individual surfaces are not on the same plane.
Cap doesn’t work either because the edges don’t form a planar curve.
If the object is a Mesh (should be as it appears) then:
If the object is a Brep (it doesn’t make sence, mind plus - case planar - the Merge Coplanar Faces RC Method is very SLOW) then you can get a Mesh out of the tri BrepFaces (or quads). If there’s Faces with more than 4 Edges … things become challenging (and as Plan A you may try Patch against the Inner/Outer Loops Curves … but Patch is tricky as it should be anyway). Patch on non planar Loops may result something like this:
That said if the object is not planar you may try clustering the coplanar BrepFaces and then get the OuterLoops (as Curves) per cluster and then do a bool Crv union and then get a Brep out of the planar Curve (that’s way faster than merging coplanar faces).
See also some “skin” Mesh > 3d solid Brep cases (for terrains out of Lidar scans and the likes) :
I mean, this is a start:
I’ve planed off the ever-so-slight of incline of about 1.8 units that is not playing nicely with the profile of the large round hole. At 2.5, you’ve flattened the entire upper surface. You’d have to do the business of recreating and projecting to the original incline if that’s important to you.