Is there a better way to merge mesh faces creating a simple planar triangle instead of having to manuall delete the triangle and recreate it with command ‘3DFace’?
Here’s a screenshot of Rhino 8 BETA. Nothing happens at all. The faces that seem coplanar are in fact not coplanar and at least that one vertex which remains is 0.00114 units off the line between the two adjacent points.
Adding Ngons to a mesh plane also does not eliminate any vertices.
I’m doing some kind of a mesh cleanup in Grasshopper using Kangaroo. I’m extracting naked edges of near coplanar faces, cull duplicate points, join the edges and rebuild the polylines with just the significant points.
Martin, it would really useful if you can share that def! I think it would be a good idea to have some control over the threshold parameter? Like at what instance it considers faces planar or not.