Random pattern of points (distributed gradiently) on mesh

Total beginner with Grasshopper, but hoping to create a random pattern of spheres (points, or any geometric object) on the face of a mesh, distributed in a gradient way, where the points/spheres are denser closer to the lower Z-value, and less dense the higher the Z-value.

Including an image for reference. You get the point(…s). Would really appreciate the help!

All the best, Jesper

gradient_points_2023Dec15a.gh (27.2 KB)

Dear Joseph,

Most grateful for your help! Been sitting for hours trying to find an answer, so my appreciation is immense.

I’m wondering if it might be possible to implement a ‘graph mapper’ into this script, in order to adjust the frequency of points along the Z-value. My impression is that it’s perfectly linear as it is now? Is it possible to make it non-linear, introducing a Bezier-curve into the script? Or is there perhaps already a way to do this within the script – could you please explain what parameters to adjust?

Really appreciate the help! Thanks a lot!

there are some examples here

gradient_points_2023Dec15b.gh (28.2 KB)


gradient_points_2023Dec15c.gh (31.9 KB)

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Dear Joseph, a thousand thank you for helping me out! That looks amazing. Sincerely, thank you so much for being so generous with your time.

I didn’t put much thought into it so no guarantee that it’s correct or optimal.
Just a walk in the park. :sunglasses: As usual, there are many ways to do this.