Q: detail in layout with different scales but only one dimension?


my customer wants to create some layout details with different scales 1:50, 1:10, and 1:1.

Is there a way to dimension the part with one dimension style for all scales, so that the dimensions look right (same equal line spaceing) in all details? (I’ve tried it, but I think not).

Detailsansichten_mit_verschiedenen_Massstaeben.3dm (869.2 KB)

Any ideas?



Hi Michael - I think just make the details in the layout space - does that do what you need?


Hi Pascal,

I don’t understand, do you have an example?

Do you mean to dimension the parts on the layout and then use different dimension styles?



Hi Michael - maybe I’m misunderstanding - in the attached file, I placed all the red dims in layout, not model space - does that make sense with what you need?
Detailsansichten_mit_verschiedenen_Massstaeben_PG.3dm (879.3 KB)


Hi Pascal,

that’s it, great. I wasn’t aware that Rhino recognizes the correct picked size in layout space. I thought it would always use the current distance on the layout paper.

Thank you again
