Proxy Authentication Popup Keeps Popping

Hi there,

I’m trying to use the Cloud Zoo License at work. I have a desktop PC and will occasionally work on a laptop when on business trip. I have managed to create the account and to link the license. But my company uses a proxy and rhino wants to connect to it. I did input my credentials and have checked the remember box, but the popup keeps coming back.
For account user I typed with the following structure: DOMAIN\account
I also tried to type just the account name without the domain.
My IT technician gave the right to Rhino.exe to access our proxy through our firewall but the problem remains… He does not know what to do next. According to him Rhino should be able to access our proxy.
Any idea what the problem could be ?

Thank you,

@brian, @aj1 -do you have an idea?


Are these the ports your IT crew opened up for Rhino?:

I’m checking with them! thank you