Im having issues with Rhino 8 and linetype scale and appearance, which wasn’t an issue in rhino 7 or 6. Im having the exact same settings as before, but my prints doesn’t match. I.e my dashed lines are extremely big, and Im unable to change them, no matter what settings im using. Its especially the dashed lines that are bugging me.
(Im having set my linestypes to 200 scale, so that they are somehow correctly representable in my viewports when im working. )
I noticed, that Im successful with getting the correct scale of the linetypes, when I print from thew viewport, instead of using a layout. Something fishy is going on…
Are you saying that this is the desired behavior? That is, what you see on the layout is NOT what you will get when you print that layout?
In Rhino 8, when you print from a layout, the resulting output will be as what is displayed in the layout.
For both annotations, hatches, and linetypes, if you know that you will be using layouts to print from, you define those objects so that they are what they need to be on the layout. You then scale those up to something that looks fine in model space.
For legacy purposes, when files were originally created in Rhino 7 or earlier and the definition and scale were primarily chosen to work in model space and PDF output from a layout is expected to reflect the model space look, you can turn on Print and Display -> Use model units in the linetype definition.
I enjoy printing quickly from viewport as well as having a set of layouts that are consistent and detailed. So I’m very have there is a “legacy” way of doing it.
I cant really see when you’d want modelspace linetype to be different from the layout linetype though…?
Your dashed linetype is defined to be 6 mm x 6 mm. If that’s what you want on a sheet of A4 paper, that’s what you’ll get. When you use this linetype on a building-scale object, you’ll have to scale it up to be useful in model space. So, except for very few exceptions, I’d say that you’ll want the model space scale to always be something else than 1.
Im really getting confused with these new settings. I stumbled into some issues. Here are some problems ive encountered, and suggestions id like to have implemented.
PrintDisplay being dynamic(not showing any line thicknesses when zoomed out, should be a setting - I prefer the R7 way of the lines being constant) I need to be extremely zoomed in, before PrintDisplay “kicks in”.
Viewport is showing pixelated lineart, dependent of zoomdistance:
zoomed out(trees are looking pixelated, because of having many points):
Being able to set a specific scale for an individual layout. Right now i need to change the scale of my print individually, every time i switch layout or if i print from model viewport.
Being able to have default linetype print width thinner than 0.13(I had it to 0.07 in r7)
These are probably some topics that already has been discussed, but here are my take on it.