Previous Rhino 8 Release Downloads

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a way to download previous versions of Rhino 8. The most recent update to Rhino 8.9 has made some plugins we’re using unstable.

Is there an online repository somewhere/ can someone here help me by providing an installer for Rhino 8.4, Rhino 8.5 or Rhino 8.6?


I’ll send you some links to the older version.

We would really like to know what is going on with your plugins, if its something we can address we’ll first need to repeat the regression.


Thanks a lot for the reply Japhy. It appears now that the instability is caused by an edit made to a plugin we’re developing. Im yet to pinpoint the exact cause but will let you know when I find it.

The rhino versions were very useful in narrowing it down

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Can you please make these links public?
Or at least could you send me a link with Rhino 8 SR9?
I updated to SR10 and it was a mistake since it is heavily bugged when it comes to printing and I have a deadline tomorrow…
Please help me.


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I don’t know what supports policy behind not having open repository of legacy releases,
however I am very happy with a very quick response!
(I got the 8.9 link in a private message and I can go back to work)

There are links floating around but we would like to avoid users downloading older versions unless absolutely necessary.

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I need an old version as well. probably 8.9. There are several bugs in the current Grasshopper. Import Model Block Definition, Explode Group, and Text Entity Nodes are all not behaving the same as in the previous rhino version.

Hi Mike, What version would you like?

Can you direct me to thread about the issues mentioned or provide an example of the issue? Thanks

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Hi Japhy,

I’m guessing 8.9 would be before the regression. maybe 8.8. All I know is that my script was working correctly in July.

As for a thread. I have not posted anything. That’s not my job. I have professional work to do that requires a working version of your software.

I’d just like to second that McNeel should be publicly providing archives to previous versions of the software. Unless you can guarantee bug-free releases (which no software can), we as professional users need to be able to manage which release we use.


Hi Mike -
Here’s a link to 8.8.

Note that many users will consider 8.8 not to be a working version of Rhino.
We’d rather not have users tied-down to a version that has tens or hundreds of known bugs that have been fixed… In the end, of course, that’s up to you.


Would it be possible to get a link to version 8.3?

Sent. What issue does this solve for you?

Hi, i need a link to the old versions of rhino 8 too. My rhino is giving me a lot of problems… especially when I’m using MAtrixgold 3 together with rhino 8.

Hi Lucas -

Did you try the 8.8 version that is linked to earlier in this thread?
If that didn’t solve the issue, how do you know an older version will? Did you use to run a version that worked fine with MatrixGold 3?

please send me rhino 8.6 or lower…my problem with latest version i cant do undo redo…everytime i press ctrl z then ctrl c after press ctrl y nothing to do appear plz help

Hi Kaka Review,

Please run SystemInfo in your Rhino command line and post the results. Ideally we can understand why you are the issue and resolve it. Thanks

Hi Japhy

I am in need of a regression to a previous version of rhino urgently. I updated to the latest version (was instructed to do so by a professor) and it was a terrible mistake, I’m a Mac user and there are tons of bugs, to the point in which I can’t operate anymore, I can’t even type a command to find a component in grasshopper without it crashing immediately…

I don’t remember which version I had, but I know I skipped the previous version, I installed it somewhere around September if I recall correctly.

Thanks in advance for the link, this is for a Master’s program in computational design and this is the only tool we use, so it is kind of urgent.


Hi Jose, I’ll send you a link but from the sounds of your issues there might something else going on.