Playing with SubD in rhino8 - Glass bottle

Anyone else loving SubD in Rhino8?
I wanted to share a quick project modelling and rendering some glass bottles.
Rendered with Vray.

Be interested to see anyone else’s variations of the shape. :grinning:
SubD bottle.3dm (653.1 KB)


These look awesome!

Question, did you model these with some kind of rotational symmetry? Or did you just edit each facet one by one?

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yes, I worked on a section with polar array and history on to see the whole design, and then merged it all together before final tweak’s

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Had to make one from scratch in v7 (since I don’t have v8 to open the file), but I was curious how a subD object like that interacts with light, so here’s my try.


SubD bottle v7.3dm (871.1 KB)


Really nice and fun model. Thanks for sharing! My attempt at an underater lake scene.

Cycles only, with Rhino noise and a Filmic medium contrast added afterward, took 5m 22s at 1440p.

PS: Not sure why the above post is permitted a huge resolution, but mine is downscaled to 1080.


Would you be willing to post the file? Id love to check out how you made that effect

These are amazing! loving the caustics, and volumetric images :heart_eyes:

I believe that was not rendered in Rhino, right?

He mentioned Cycles, that’s Rhino’s default render engine, so yes.

@David53 Could you gives us a hint on how to get this type of image straight out of Rhino? I keep mesing around with the fog and glass materials, and it my attempts just look rubish, nothing comes even close.
And @Marc if you got some cool render trick, share too! Thanks!

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I think… this may be needed to explained by video, as it is essentially a slight-of-hand effect!


even better! :smile: :clap:

Awesome stuff!!

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