Evening Drink

Some more work with Rhino 8 Cycles.

It’s not bad, but there are many features here that I think need attention. The shadowing of the actual liquid leaves much to be desired. Overall, it seems good to get depth, but I feel there is a slight lack of vibrance. While caustics is probably some time away, I think dispersion would have really helped here to pull out increased depth. I think the most disappointing element is the lack of shadowing from the glass, as it seems a little disconnected from the coaster.

The excellent benefit is once again the sheer speed, at 1m 24s for 2000 samples.

EDIT: Re-rendered to include Nathan’s suggestions. Much better!


Yah, the current shadow implementation will do that. If you have full white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) then you don’t see a shadow. Try using with a slightly lower value so that you get a bit of gray in there.

The goal is to have ray control (and shader graph control) available in Rhino 9 where you can manage this type of scene much better.

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how did you make the drops? is some of it post processing i assume but the drops are rendered? i worked on some drops once, even used grasshopper (which i usually avoid) because i wanted to try if i can do all that in rhino.

so some explanation would be really welcomed!

Awesome. Okay, that slight change fixed a few problems actually. Looks much better, and swapped in-place. Thanks!

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The drops are made using a set of samples that are then distributed using Rhino Nature. I am currently trialling it. I have tried mapping in the past with some success. I think there are some children’s cups I made a while ago that use the mapping/displacement method, but that was with bella renderer.

so did you model a few and distribute them with that plugin? i unfortunately have no access to a windows rhino so rhino nature will not do for me…

i used grasshoppers populate (which is very slow) with some random reduction, plugged in some deformers for the instances but it was way too much work and the outcome is still not very good, maybe i can show that at some point,

what you have here on the other side looks really good.

oh i saw that you edited the image, maybe leave both versions to see the difference!

Rhino Nature is a great plugin. Maybe a little too much for me, but it is great. I guess it is aimed a little more at landscaping and archviz(?), so there may be a couple of instances where I think it should do things it cannot.

It’s an odd one; scattering has always been a bit of a dark art, especially when you want to conform or distribute over non-planar surfaces or within volumes. I guess that is why it tends to be reserved for specialist plugins like renderers and the like; that have explicit handling for instancing and random transformations of those instances.

I overwritten my original image in my file system!


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Just today I downloaded Rhino Nature and I’m trying some simple environments, this is the first render in Cycles. When everything is ready (including the design) I will bake the final scene and render it in Bella.

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Did you intend to create a new topic in the gallery @Martin_Šefl ?

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This picnic food container is only 10% finished with the design. The render was just testing the capabilities of Rhino Nature. I will be sure to share when the project is done. He doesn’t deserve it yet. I posted just for fun. :slight_smile:

though its ok i think