Placing door element (with or without a host)

I’m working on an enclosure which has a curved (in both plan and elevation) glazing system that also wants to include placement of doors within it. At the moment, I’ve been unable to identify a method for populating a curtain system that is both curve-based in plan and also in elevation view (my geometry is being trimmed by an extruded volume). FWIW, the plan curvatures are all arc- or line-based. As of now, both glazing and mullions are being placed into Revit as DirectShapes (though any ideas to place as a real curtain system would be greatly appreciated!).

My question at the moment is regarding doors within this system. In the image above, the doors have been manually located. I’d like to automate the placement of these doors, but so far am only able to place a door element to a location without having control of rotational alignment (a plane doesn’t seem to affect it’s rotation). I assume I’m missing an obvious variable, but unsure what it might be. I was wondering if I could somehow host to the same curve my DirectShape glazing is being populated from (using a tangent frame at the locations I’d like), but haven’t nailed down how to employ hosts in this case. I’d appreciate any thoughts on how to achieve this rotational alignment.

Thank you!

Hi Woodhouse, I’ve got some ideas on this. Is the intent to have curved mullions? Can you post some geometry? Thanks

Hi @Japhy - Sorry, just getting back around to this topic. I’d be happy to share some geometry - what exactly are you looking for to start? I guess this could be as simple as a rhino arc and conventional Revit door family?

The mullions could be curved, but don’t necessarily need to be.


Is this an academic project? Radiused Curtain Wall is expensive.

Ideally Rhino as well as Revit file of the area in question.