Pdf in pen mode is in low resolution

Hi ,

i want to export the following model , in pdf, as it is displayed in the pen mode on my screen. When I choose the output type to be vector the are meshes and hidden lines that i don’t need and it’s kind difficult to edit in Ai. On the other side when I choose the raster option it not in low resolution and it’s not edited in Ai. How can i exported in a pen mode with just the edges ? Also when I use the command Make2D and close the Hidden lines layer it not correct

Thank you

Hi John -

When you choose raster, you can change the resolution in the dialog. Of course, you won’t get vector curves that you can edit in AI.

You can’t.

Could you post the 3dm file to see where this is not correct?

when i close the Hidden Lines layer it looks like that

ikea.3dm (5.1 MB)

Hi John -
A few pointers:

  • You are using a cracked copy of a very old version of Rhino 6
  • There are features on your objects that are less than 1 order of magnitude larger than the document tolerances
  • Your input meshes are messy

The combination of these things is bound to lead to issues with Make2D.